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<v:date> 2014-03-09T14:59:18.954Z </v:date>
<v:revision> 1 </v:revision>
<v:delete event= "start" ref= "1.3" />
<v:append ref= "1.3" >
<v:end name= "deceased" />
<v:delete event= "end" ref= "1.3" />
<v:insert ref= "1.3" >
<v:start name= "deceased" />
As expected, the diff document clearly shows the rename as a process of deleting the
element with the incorrect name and then replacing it with a new one with the cor‐
rect name.
Finally, let's update the document by adding some extra information to the abstract
element. Following the update, we then see the documents shown in Figure 16-2 in
the collection /db/system/versions/db/actors .
Figure 16-2. Versioning trigger, second revision documents
There is now a second diff document ( michael-rennie.xml.2 ), and if we examine it, its
content should look something like this:
<v:version xmlns:v= "" >
<v:document> michael-rennie.xml </v:document>
<v:user> admin </v:user>
<v:date> 2014-03-09T15:15:28.342Z </v:date>
<v:revision> 2 </v:revision>
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