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ured to integrate with your operating system's service management, so that eXist is
started and stopped correctly when your server powers up or shuts down.
When you are installing eXist into a server environment that is servicing real users,
one of your major concerns should be security, so we would suggest Chapter 8 as pre‐
requisite reading.
Regardless of your operating system, you first need to place a copy of the eXist distri‐
bution onto your server, which you can do using either:
• The eXist IzPack installer, as discussed in “Downloading and Installing eXist” on
page 19 , and typically running it in headless (non-GUI) mode, as shown in
“Installing eXist” on page 22 . If you are using a Windows server or X graphics
environment, then you may instead opt to use the GUI mode.
• The source code, and compiling either the develop branch if you want the abso‐
lute bleeding edge of eXist development, or one of the release tags (such as
eXist-2.1 ) if you want a stable release. This is discussed in “Building eXist from
Source” on page 485 .
You may, of course, place eXist anywhere you wish on your system, but it is common
for eXist to be installed into C:\Program Files\eXist on Windows systems and /usr/
local/exist or /opt/exist on Linux/Unix/Mac systems.
We will discuss installing eXist as a service on the Solaris operating system first, as
the approach for service management on Solaris is unique, whereas the same tool is
used for all other supported platforms.
Since version 10, Solaris has included a facility called the Service Management
Framework (SMF), which is responsible for starting and stopping all services on the
system and reporting on service errors. To a certain extent, SMF can also be config‐
ured to automatically restart failing service trees as part of Solaris's predictive self-
healing technologies .
eXist can be installed into Solaris's SMF and be controlled through the standard
Solaris service management commands: svccfg , svcadm , and svcs . eXist has been
tested with SMF on Solaris 10 and 11, OpenSolaris, and OpenIndiana, but it is likely
it will also work with any Illumos-based distribution that uses SMF and provides Java
1.6 or newer.
Manifests and service scripts for SMF are shipped with eXist and provided in the
$EXIST_HOME/tools/Solaris folder. As comprehensive documentation for integrat‐
ing eXist with SMF is already provided in the file $EXIST_HOME/tools/Solaris/
README.txt , we will not attempt to reproduce it here.
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