Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Highlight a block of code and press Ctrl-Shift-X (or Cmd-Ctrl-X on a Mac) to
extract the block into a function. You can also extract a code block into a variable
by pressing Ctrl-Shift-E (or Cmd-Ctrl-E on a Mac).
Quick function navigation
Put your cursor in a function name and press Ctrl-F3 (or Cmd-F3 on a Mac) to
go to its definition, even if it's in another module.
Inserting code snippets
There is a variety of easily inserted code snippets available. For instance, type
for-return and press Ctrl-Space (or Cmd-Space on a Mac). A basic for $item
in $inseq return $item code snippet will pop up. Press Tab to select all the
variables in this template one by one, so you can easily replace them with your
own code (press Esc to stop this behavior). You'll find the available code snippets
in /db/apps/eXide/templates/snippets.xml .
Working with applications
The Application menu gives you access to working with complete applications.
You can create a shiny new one from a template, synchronize it with a version on
disk, download it into an eXist package file (see “Packaging” on page 227 ), and
One of the features of eXide is that you can jump-start development of an applica‐
tion. Choose “New application” from the Application menu and fill in the forms, and
eXide will generate an application framework for you. If you've installed the eXist
documentation package, information about this is available at http://localhost:8080/
exist/apps/doc/development-starter.xml .
The generated applications use what is called the HTML Templating Framework . This
framework lets you separate out:
• The page template (the surrounding HTML code that defines the fixed parts of
the page)
• The body of the page
• The code that generates the dynamic parts of the page
For further information, all of this is documented in http://localhost:8080/exist/
apps/doc/templating.xml on your local installation, or in the eXist documentation
online .
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