Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The source code of a small example of using the Fluent API from Java to store a file,
query the database, and remove a file is included in the folder chapters/integration/
fluent-embedded of the book-code Git repository (see “Getting the Source Code” on
page 15 ).
This example is a direct port of the XML:DB Local API example from the previous
section, and hopefully will allow you to easily compare the code of the two
approaches and decide which you prefer.
To compile the example, enter the fluent-embedded folder and run mvn package .
Fluent API example. You can then execute the ExampleApp example like so:
java -jar fluent-embedded-example/target/fluent-embedded-example-1.0-example.jar
This shows the available arguments for using the ExampleApp.
A complete example of using the application might look like the following:
java -jar fluent-embedded-example/target/fluent-embedded-example-1.0-example.jar
/db/my-new-collection /tmp/test.xml "//thing" admin
Given the preceding arguments, the example application would perform the follow‐
ing steps:
1. Start up the embedded eXist database.
2. Get a reference to the folder (collection) /db/my-new-collection in eXist (the
folder will be created if it does not already exist).
3. Upload the file /tmp/test.xml to the folder /db/my-new-collection in eXist (again,
the folder will be created if it does not already exist).
4. Execute the query //thing against the /db/my-new-collection folder, and print
the results.
5. Remove the /db/my-new-collection/test.xml file.
6. Shut down the eXist database.
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