Database Reference
In-Depth Information
We call the function xmldb:store on the body of the POST request. This function
stores the image into the database, and returns a path to the image in the data‐
We construct a public, dereferenceable URI to the stored image. Of particular
interest here is the call to rest:uri , which gives us the absolute URI of the exe‐
cuting resource function.
The response of the function will be a sequence, where the first item will instruct
RESTXQ about the HTTP response and the second item will be the body of the
HTTP response.
We instruct RESTXQ to set the HTTP response code to 201 Created and add an
HTTP header declaring a URI to the location of the stored image.
As an added bonus, we also return an identifier for the created resource in the
body of the response; this identifier may then be used in subsequent requests to
the API.
Retrieve a stored image from the database
The API provided by the image-api.xqm file allows you to send an HTTP GET to it via
the RESTXQ API to get a previously stored image. If the URI in your HTTP request
includes an identifier of an image previously stored by the API, then it will return the
content of that image.
Consider the following example, where we use cURL to make a request to a RESTXQ
resource function that returns an image from the database:
curl http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/image/
24a85a52-5031-4bac-8843-4c7e7701905b.jpg is the identifier of
the image returned by the API when we stored it in the previous
Let's look at how the code in our image-api.xqm stored query handles this request:
% rest:path ( "/image/{$image-name}" )
% rest:produces ( "image/jpeg" )
% output:method ( "binary" )
function ii:get - image-rest ( $ image-name ) {
let $ image := ii:get-image ( $ image-name )
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