Database Reference
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curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/xml'
--data-binary @/tmp/settlement-average-name.xml
which could result in a response that starts with the element:
<exist:result xmlns:exist= ""
exist:hits= "567" exist:start= "1" exist:count= "10" exist:session= "23" >
We have omitted the entire response body for brevity, but the important thing to
note here is that the REST Server has executed our POST ed XQuery and found 567
results ( hits attribute), and it is returning the first 10 results (indicated by the start
and count attributes). In addition, the results have been cached and will be accessible
in the future using the session identifier 23 ( session attribute).
So, we have returned our first page of 10 results, but how do we get our second page
of results? We send almost the same request as before, but this time on the query
element we want to set the session attribute to the session identifier that we were
given by the response of the first request and increase the value of the start attribute,
so we end up with the following request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query xmlns= ""
session= "23" cache= "yes" start= "11" max= "10" >
xquery version "1.0";
for $settlement in distinct-values(/person/residence/location/settlement)
let $average-age := avg(
/person[residence/location/settlement eq $settlement]/born/(year-from-date(
current-date()) - year-from-date(xs:date(./date))))
order by $average-age ascending
which we send to the REST Server by:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' --data-binary
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