Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Text Indexing and Lookup
Besides the “basic” indexing capabilities, as explained in Chapter 11 , eXist also sup‐
ports full-text indexes based on the Apache Lucene text search-engine library . Lucene
allows eXist to offer search capabilities like looking for words near each other or
words like other words, using Boolean text comparison operators, and more. Full-
text indexes allow you to do much more with your content than you can do using
straight XPath expressions.
If your application needs to support searches based on human input, such as search‐
ing documentation or the like, full-text indexes can really help. But things get even
better: on top of the full-text index searches, eXist offers keywords in context (KWIC)
functionality. This makes it extremely easy to display the results of your searches in
context, showing the search results within the surrounding text. We'll examine this
further in “Using Keywords in Context” on page 297 .
Full-Text Index and KWIC Example
The examples for this topic include a simple full-text search example. This example
searches, using the full-text index, over some ancient Encyclopedia Britannica entries.
Important components of the example are:
• A full-text index on tei:p elements, defined in /db/system/config/db/apps/exist-
book/indexing/data/collection.xconf :
<collection xmlns= "" >
<index xmlns:tei= "" >
<!-- other indexes -->
<text qname= "tei:p" />
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