Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<property name= "filter.ignoreResponseBody" value= "false" />
• If you wish to see what your XForm is doing within betterForm, you can enable
the betterForm debugger. This will add an additional toolbar to your rendered
XForms page, allowing you to introspect the host document, instances, and
events. To enable the debugger, set betterform.debug-allowed to true in
$EXIST_HOME/webapp/WEB-INF/betterform-config.xml , after which you must
restart eXist for the change to take effect. For example:
<property name= "betterform.debug-allowed"
value= "true"
description= "if true enables debug bar and event log viewer" />
In addition, if you wish to monitor betterForm on the server and how it pro‐
cesses your XForms host documents, you can find its logfile in $EXIST_HOME/
webapp/WEB-INF/logs/betterform.log .
• Since version 2.1 of eXist, betterForm has provided an eXist connector . This con‐
nector may be used when you are running betterForm embedded in eXist. The
connector enables betterForm to participate in the current user session of eXist.
Instead of using http:// in the scheme of your URIs for talking to eXist, you can
instead use exist:// and remove the hostname, port, and context from the
URIs. For example, if you previously used http://localhost:8080/exist/
rest/db/registration.xq as the URI for the src of your instance, you could
now instead use exist://db/registration.xq .
There are many excellent betterForm examples at
apps/betterform/dashboard.html . In particular, the Feature Explorer is useful for any‐
one learning XForms, regardless of whether you are using betterForm.
The source code of a small XForm for capturing details of someone using betterForm
is provided at chapters/other-xml-technologies/better-form/test-xform.xhtml in the
book-code Git repository (see “Getting the Source Code” on page 15 ).
To use the example, simply store the better-form/test-xform.xhtml document into
the /db/apps collection in eXist. You can then display the form in a web browser by
calling the document from eXist's REST Server using a URI like http://localhost:8080/
exist/apps/test-xform.xhtml . If all goes well, you should see the result of the XForm
(after being processed by betterForm) rendered in your web browser (see
Figure 10-1 ).
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