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<param name= "par1" value= "value of par1" />
<param name= "par2" value= "value of par2" />
<!-- ...any further parameters -->
You reference these in your stylesheet by specifying global parameters with the same
names. For instance:
<xsl:stylesheet version= "1.0" xmlns:xsl= "" >
<xsl:param name= "par1" />
<xsl:param name= "par2" />
<xsl:template match= "/" >
<p> Values passed were <xsl:value-of select= "$par1" />
and <xsl:value-of select= "$par2" /></p>
There are two special parameters defined:
If this parameter is present and set to yes , an XQuery error is generated if the
XSLT processor reports an error.
If this parameter is present and set to yes , an XQuery error is generated if the
XSLT processor reports a warning.
Most errors emitted by the XSLT processor are of the category fatal and will stop
the processing anyway.
Invoking XSLT by Processing Instruction
Another way of invoking XSLT is by adding a <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
href="..."?> processing instruction at the top of your output. The href attribute
should contain a reference to an XSLT stylesheet. Relative names are taken from the
location of the originating XML.
Although normal use for this processing instruction is for triggering client-side XSLT
processing (in the browser), in an eXist context it triggers server-side XSLT processā€
ing. This means the client will see the output of the transformation.
There is a nice example of this in the eXist demo application. If you look in /db/apps/
demo/data , you'll find some Shakespeare plays marked up in XML. At the top of
these XML files is the processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet href="shakes.xsl"
type="text/xsl"?> . The same collection holds the referenced shakes.xsl document,
which contains an XSLT stylesheet that renders a play in HTML. See this in action by
browsing to, for instance, http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/apps/demo/data/
macbeth.xml .
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