Database Reference
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A repo.xml file is an XML document whose content is in the http://exist- namespace.
Child elements description , author , website , status , license , and copyright
contain additional (string-type) metadata about the package.
The type childelement tells eXist what kind of package this is. It contains either
the value library or the value application .
The target child element tells eXist where to store the package in the database.
This must be a relative path, and eXist prepends this with the root collection
where the repository manager stores installed packages. This is, by default, /db/
apps . So, a package with <target>xyz</target> specified in repo.xml will be
stored in /db/apps/xyz .
If you want to change this root directory, you can find its defi‐
nition in $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml : <repository root="/db/
apps"/> .
The prepare and finish child elements can contain the name of an XQuery
script that runs before and after the package is installed, respectively. Further
information about these scripts can be found in the next section.
Allowed values are either empty (no script), or a relative filename (relative to the
root of the package). In the past, usually these scripts were called pre-install.xql
and post-install.xql and stored in the root of the package, but you're free to devi‐
ate from this convention, and we would now recommend using the .xq file exten‐
sions instead (see “XQuery Filename Conventions” on page 13 ).
The permissions child element sets for which user and under which permissions
the package is loaded:
<permissions user = string
password = string
group = string
mode = string />
user , password , and group define the ownership of the loaded package files.
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