Database Reference
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Example 9-1. The URL rewriting controller code for the example application
xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8" ;
: Example URL Rewriting Controller
(: External variables available to the controller: :)
declare variable $ exist:path external ;
declare variable $ exist:resource external ;
declare variable $ exist:controller external ;
(: Other variables :)
declare variable $ home-page-url := "home" ;
(: Function to get the extension of a filename: :)
declare function local:get-extension ( $ filename as xs:string ) as xs:string {
let $ name := replace ( $ filename , ".*[/\\]([^/\\]+)$" , "$1" )
if ( contains ( $ name , "." ))
then replace ( $ name , ".*\.([^\.]+)$" , "$1" )
else ""
(: If there is no resource specified, go to the home page.
This is a redirect, forcing the browser to perform a redirect. So this request
will pass through the controller again... :)
if ( $ exist:resource eq "" ) then
<dispatch xmlns = " " >
<redirect url = "{ $ home-page-url }" />
(: Check if there is no extension. If not, assume it is an XQuery file and forward
to this. Because we use forward here, the browser will not be informed of the
change and the user will still see a URL without a .xq extension. :)
else if ( local:get-extension ( $ exist:resource ) eq "" ) then
<dispatch xmlns = " " >
<forward url = "{ concat ( $ exist:controller , $ exist:path , ".xq" )}" />
(: Anything else, pass through: :)
<ignore xmlns = " " >
<cache-control cache = " yes " />
This example is intended to give you a first rough idea about what's going on. We're
going to talk about URL rewriting in detail later, but here are some important
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