Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-10. List of created users
When you're creating a new user, the default option is to create a
personal group for that user. This creates a group with the same
name as the user, and sets the user as both a member and group
manager of that group. This personal group is then also the default
group for that user, which means that should the new user add a
resource or collection to the database, the owner group of that
resource or collection will be the user's personal group. Such an
approach helps users avoid adding resources to the database and
accidentally granting unintended access to other users of a differ‐
ent group.
When you are creating a new user, it is always recommended to
also create the personal group.
Setting Group Managers
Finally, we need to set up the managers of the Animal Welfare Content Team as
managers of the group that we created for the team.
From the User Manager, click the Groups tab, and then select the aniwel group in
the list. Next, right-click on the aniwel group to get a pop-up menu and click the Edit
Group menu item ( Figure 8-11 ).
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