Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<module uri= ""
src= "resource:org/exist/xquery/lib/kwic.xql" />
If there is a resource: prefix it indicates that the module is located within a
package inside one of eXist's JAR files.
For some Java modules (and some additional features), you have a choice of
whether to include them in the eXist build. The default settings for this are in
$EXIST_HOME/extensions/ . More information can be found in
the next section.
Enabling Java Extension Modules
To use a Java extension module, two conditions must be met:
• It must be part of the eXist build. You can determine this as follows:
— Open $EXIST_HOME/extensions/ (this is a text file, not an
XML document), and see if the module or feature you want to use is men‐
tioned there. For instance, the memcached extension module has this line:
include.module.memcached = false
— If your module is not mentioned in , you don't have to worry
about it being part of the build; that will always be the case.
— If your module is mentioned in and its include.module entry
is set to true , it will be part of the build.
— If your module is mentioned in and its include.module is set
to false , it will not be part of the build. To enable it, you will have to change
this and rebuild eXist. The following subsection explains how to do this.
— If you (or somebody else working on the same eXist installation) has already
changed some of the settings in , there will be a file also. Settings in this file override the settings in , so you have to check this too.
• It must be enabled in the built-in modules list in $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml . To
determine this, do the following:
— Open $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml and search for the modules list in the
builtin-modules element.
— If the child module element for the module you're looking for is commented
out, the module is disabled. Remove the comment and restart eXist to
enable it.
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