Database Reference
In-Depth Information
XQuery for eXist
Most of your work using eXist will be done in the XQuery programming language.
This chapter covers what is and is not supported. It will also describe some eXist
XQuery specifics, like controlling serialization and available pragmas.
eXist's XQuery Implementation
Currently, 2.0+ versions of eXist support almost the full XQuery 1.0 specification (as
eXist has done for years) and quite a lot of XQuery 3.0. This section will provide you
with the details.
XQuery 1.0 Support
eXist implements almost all of the full XQuery 1.0 specification , with the following
• eXist's XQuery processor does not support the schema import and schema vali‐
dation features. This is perfectly reasonable as they are defined as optional in the
XQuery specification ( validate and import schema ). The database does not
store type information along with the (values of) nodes; consequently it cannot
know the typed value of a node and has to assume xs:untypedAtomic . This is
compliant with the behavior defined by the XQuery specification.
• You cannot specify a data type in an element or attribute test. eXist suports the
node test element(test-node) , but the test element(test-node, xs:integer)
results in a syntax error.
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