Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Actions : Dynamic actions can contain both True and False action sets. The True action set
is executed if the defined event occurs for the selected objects and any condition applied
evaluates to TRUE . The False action set executes if the defined event occurs for the selected
objects and any condition applied evaluates to FALSE .
Affected elements : Identifies which objects on the page are affected by the dynamic action.
As with other parts of APEX, dynamic actions support conditions, authorizations, and build-option features.
Dynamic Actions in the Help Desk Application
Dynamic actions are all about making your application's user interface easier for the user. In the following exercises,
you implement increasingly complex dynamic actions to make the interface of your application more robust.
Starting Simple
In the first exercise you edit the Contact Us form on page 3 of the Help Desk application. Although there is nothing
wrong with the form as it stands, you've been asked to limit input into the Body textarea until the user has entered
something into the From e-mail address field.
To create a dynamic action to do this, follow these steps:
Edit Page 3 of your application.
Right-click the P3_FROM item and choose Create Dynamic Action from the context menu.
Using the menu shown in Figure 16-1 is the most direct way to create a dynamic action.
Figure 16-1. Using the right mouse shortcut to create a dynamic action
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