Databases Reference
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Figure 7-27. Applying a filter to an interactive report
The Filter action supports both column filters and row filters. Column filters are applied to a single column.
The column filter options change interactively, depending on the type of the filter column and the selected operator.
For example, if you select a date column, such as Created On, and then select the Between operation, the Expression
element now contains two fields, for the From and To of the between clause. In this case, the fields each have a date
picker for ease in entering the Date From and To values. The end user can also construct a custom filter using the
declarative Filter.
Row filters allow the user to build filter conditions that are based on multiple columns in the same row. A simple
row filter for your Analysis report might be a filter for all tickets that were closed on the same day they were opened.
The Filter expression may be built declaratively using selections in the Columns and Functions/Operators regions,
shown in Figure 7-28 , or entered manually. Within the Filter Expression, selected columns are represented by their
letter alias.
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