Databases Reference
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Restricting Functionality by Column
Specific interactive report actions can also be restricted on a column-by-column basis. For example, you can allow
the report to be filtered, but not allow a specific column to be filtered. You can declaratively enable or disable the sort,
filter, highlight, control break, aggregate, compute, chart, and group by at the column level through the individual
column report attributes page, as part of the Column Definition region, as shown in Figure 7-19 .
Figure 7-19. Specifying individual column options
You've examined the interactive report settings you can set as a developer at the report level and at the column
level. Now let's take a look at interactive report features from the end-user perspective. The following sections
examine using the key features of an interactive report as an end user.
Using the Column Heading Menu
The column headings of an interactive report contain functionality all their own and are perhaps the fastest way to
format a single column of a report. Figure 7-20 illustrates the interactive report column heading features. Clicking a
column heading opens a column-level menu with icon-driven options for quick sorting, removing the column from
the report, adding a break on the column, searching, and filtering on the selected column. The Search Bar in this
menu allows the end user to search for and filter directly on the values in that column. The Remove Column option
lets the user quickly remove the column from the report. To restore the column, use the Select Columns option of the
Actions Menu. The Break option adds a break on the column.
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