Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information Occupant Behavior
The ultimate objective is toget active people in a passive building, instead of
passive people in an active building. To do this, people need to be educated
and adapt their behavior. Signs in the classrooms explain how to properly
use the building by operating the louvers or turning on ceiling fans,
switching off unnecessary lights, and using the stairs rather than the
elevator. Signs also provide suggestions for reducing waste by printing both
sides of paper, using reusable cups and glasses, sorting the garbage for
recycling, etc. Use of Building Thermal Mass and Night Cooling
The current building design does not use thermal mass to any significant
extent to improve comfort. The diurnal temperature swing of 8 °C may
enable a cooling of interior thermal mass by a few degrees if high ventilation
rates (natural and possibly hybrid ventilation) can be maintained at night.
The use of ventilated concrete slabs is another possibility to enhance night
cooling of building mass but it will lead to higher fan energy consumption.
If thermal mass is to be used to improve thermal comfort and reduce energy
consumption, then some exterior insulation needs to be added to the walls.
7.6 Conclusions
their design details, the design process (including the designers and design
tools), the measured performance, and finally, systematic assessments of
potential improvements to the buildings based on new knowledge and
technologies. The buildings represent four very different climates and a
diversity of uses. They also demonstrate the differences in building
standards and design processes for different building design cultures.
Some of the common conclusions that can be drawn from the case studies
include the following:
- Successful Net ZEB design involves energy targets very early in the
design process. The case studies are intentionally oriented and shaped
to exploit passive design strategies including passive heating and
cooling, natural ventilation, and daylighting. Furthermore, considerable
effort was taken to ensure that there were adequately sized and oriented
surfaces for solar energy collection. The buildings would not have
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