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Modeling Human
Communication Dynamics
for Virtual Human
Louis-Philippe Morency, Ari Shapiro
and Stacy Marsella
1. Introduction
Face-to-face communication is a highly interactive process where
participants mutually exchange and interpret linguistic and gestural
signals. Communication dynamics represent the temporal relationship
between these communicative signals. Even when only one person
speaks at a time, other participants exchange information continuously
amongst themselves and with the speaker through gesture, gaze,
posture and facial expressions. The transactional view of human
communication shows an important dynamic between communicative
behaviors where each person serves simultaneously as speaker
and listener (Watzlawick et al., 1967). At the same time you send a
message, you also receive messages from your own communications
(individual dynamics) as well as from the reactions of the other
person(s) (interpersonal dynamics) (DeVito, 2008).
Individual and interpersonal dynamics play a key role when
a teacher automatically adjusts his/her explanations based on the
student nonverbal behaviors, when a doctor diagnoses a social
disorder such as autism, or when a negotiator detects deception in
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