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significantly associated to interest. The highest meaning of interest
was equally attributed to smile+ok , nod+ok , nod+ooh , smile+ooh . The
highest acceptance was attributed to the nod , nod+yeah , nod+ok , nod+ooh ,
nod+m-mh , smile+ok , tilt+frown+ok which were not differentiated in
terms of degree of attribution. Nod+ok was, however, rated as showing
more acceptance than nod+really and nod+no . The highest meaning
of disbelief was attributed to shake+yeah , raise left eyebrow+no , raise
left eyebrow+really , and tilt+frown+no . No difference was observed
between these. Highest attribution of understanding was observed
for raise eyebrows+ooh , nod+ooh , nod+really , nod+yeah and nod . Raise
eyebrows+ooh was not more strongly judged as showing agreement
than the other signals. A significant difference was even found between
nod-ooh and raise eyebrows+ooh : nod-ooh was more strongly associated
to the understanding than raise eyebrows+ooh . In conclusion the first
hypothesis was only partially satisfied.
Results showed that the strongest attribution for a meaning is
not always conveyed by the multimodal signals obtained by the
combination of visual and acoustic cues representative of the given
meaning. For example, disagreement is not more strongly conveyed by
the multimodal signals shake+no , as we hypothesized. Other signals,
like shake and shake+m-mh , convey this meaning as well. That means
that the meaning conveyed by a multimodal backchannel cannot be
simply inferred by the meaning of each visual and acoustic cue that
composes it. It must be considered and studied as a whole to determine
the meaning it transmits when displayed by virtual agents. More
results that go in the direction of such a conclusion were obtained.
The authors found that some multimodal signals convey a meaning
different from the ones associated to the particular visual and acoustic
cues when presented on their own. For example, a high meaning of no
interest was attributed to frown+ooh , although in our previous studies
(Heylen, 2007) the signal frown was associated mainly to disbelief and,
in our preliminary and informal listening test, the vocalization ooh was
associated to understanding.
As regard to the third hypothesis, the evaluation showed that
multimodal signals composed by visual and acoustic cues that have
strongly opposite meanings are rated as nonsense. Four multimodal
signals were significantly rated as nonsense: nod+no , shake+yeah ,
shake+ok and shake+really . What is more, it is interesting to notice
that a high attribution of nonsense does not necessarily exclude the
attribution of other meanings. Thus, the high nonsense signal of
shake+yeah was also highly judged as showing disbelief. A possible
explanation would be that these signals might be particularly context
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