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for the behavior. The first feedback (FB1) influences the primary
stimulus appraisal by perceiving the response itself (e.g. the greater
the anger, the more upsetting the situation). The second feedback
(FB2) can influence the emotional response itself (e.g. keep cool, a
little nervousness is okay), and the third feedback (FB3) affects the
primary stimulus appraisal by assessing coping abilities or desirability
(e.g. to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs). Finally, the
resulting action tendency may also alter the appraisal of the individual
emotional response by feedback loop (FB4) (e.g. it annoys me, but I
am not willing to do anything about it).
A man should take as companion one older than himself. African.
5. Modeling of Emotions and Disposition with COMPLEX
Based on a model used to simulate the interaction of artificial agents
(SIMPLEX, Simulation of Personal Emotion Experience, Kessler et
al., 2008), an expanded model was developed, which can map and
formalize the interaction of a human user with a companion system
(COMPLEX, Companions Personal Emotion Experience). Aside from
the dynamic mapping of emotional and dispositional states within
a technical-cognitive system, the emotional responses of users can
be simulated and predicted in consideration of internal and external
events, so that the functionality of the companion system can be
enhanced in a meaningful manner.
External events (for example from the environment) are subjected
to an individual appraisal process, based on the respective response
to the event, in consideration of the available knowledge base (user
or domain knowledge) and then individual goals can be determined.
In addition to the appraisal of external events, internal events (such
as psychophysiological parameters) can serve as input signals for the
appraisal process. To customize the model, the values determined
with such assessment processes are specifically modified on the
basis of variable and stable personality traits (e.g. NEO-FFI, emotion
regulation, etc.) as well as the current mood. Personality (long-term),
action tendency (more medium-term), mood (medium-term) and
emotions (short-term) consequently represent different semantic and
temporal levels in the emotion model that interact with each other in
a realistic fashion.
The special modeling challenge lies in the mapping of non-
linear intensity curves (which can differ depending on the emotion
or disposition). Aside from the general progression of short-term
(emotional) states, the temporal characteristics of changed mid-term
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