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A Framework for Emotions
and Dispositions in
Man-Companion Interaction
Harald C. Traue, Frank Ohl, André Brechmann,
Friedhelm Schwenker, Henrik Kessler, Kerstin Limbrecht,
Holger Hoffmann, Stefan Scherer, Michael Kotzyba,
Andreas Scheck and Steffen Walter
This research was supported by grants from the Transregional
Collaborative Research Center SFB/TRR 62 Companion Technology
for Cognitive Technical Systems funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG). Translation of the German version by Ute von
Pleasant company alone makes this life tolerable. Spanish.
1. What are Companions as Cognitive-Technical Systems?
Digital companions are embodied conversational agents (ECA). They
communicate in natural spoken language and realize advanced and
natural man-machine interactions. It is the main goal of such companions
to provide not only functionality but also empathetic responding to the
user's needs. In terms of etymology, the English term 'companion' 1
1 Webster's New World Dictionary (1970) defines companion this way:
A person associated with another person
A person employed to live or travel with another person and
A member of the lowest rank order of knighthood
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