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toolkit combines a number of separate editors and views. Its main focus is on
graphical visualization and support for modeling, executing and monitoring
Web services.
10.2.3 Graphical Visualization and Editing
Figure 10.4 shows a screenshot of WSMT. This nicely shows how the Eclipse
platform is able to combine several different views in a common perspec-
tive. The WSML workspace, shown in the upper right corner, can be used
to organize the WSML files (in the picture titled “Navigator”). On the right-
hand side, the topmost plug-in allows the user to modify WSML descriptions
using a graphical view of the WSML elements. The ontology about family
relationships used earlier to illustrate the Web-based reasoner is used here
again. The graph-based view nicely illustrates various relationships such as
class hierarchy (Human > Woman), instantiations (Woman > Marge), and in-
verse relations (hasHusband > inverseOf(hasWife)). The Visualizer is able to
focus on a specific entity or to view the ontology graph as a whole. Other as-
pects and viewing options can be filtered depending on the user's needs (e.g.
hiding all instances). At the same time, editing the source code of the ontol-
ogy is also possible (right middle window). This plug-in provides well-known
features of advanced development environments, such as syntax highlighting,
code folding and syntax completion. On the bottom right-hand side, an ad-
ditional “Problems view” provides information about the status of the files
in the project, obtained from the validation functionality. This allows an on-
tology engineer to quickly spot problems, such as not specifying the WSML
variant, as is shown in Fig. 10.4.
10.2.4 Integrated Reasoning Support
The functionality of the WSML2Reasoner framework has been made available
within the Eclipse environment via a specific extension point. A special view
provides an interface that allows the user to execute queries over the currently
open ontology. The results of the query are displayed as a list of variable bind-
ings similar to that already presented for the online reasoner (see Fig. 10.2).
However, the advantage over a simplistic HTML interface is that the results
can be selected, and the view of the ontology is automatically focused on
the corresponding ontology element. For example, selecting a row from the
results that denotes a concept will focus WSMOViz (the WSMO Visualizer
component) on the corresponding concept.
10.2.5 Data Mediation
The concepts of data mediation introduced in Section 9.3 are implemented
in WSMT. The graphical editor of WSMT uses a semiautomatic approach
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