Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can control how the arc is closed using the property type:ArcType . Supported arc
types include:
F ArcType.OPEN —this is the default type where no segments connect the arc ends
F ArcType.ROUND —this type draws a line segment from the start to the center and
from the center to the end of the arc (see previous image)
F ArcType.CHORD —a straight line connects the start and end of the arc
Bézier curves
Finally, the Shape API offers two Bézier curve classes: QuadCurve and CubicCurve. The
QuadCurve class represents a quadratic Bézier curve with control points specified by
properties controlX and controlY ; the curve's endpoints are specified by properties
startX , startY , endX , and endY (see the figure alongside). The full listing of the code
can be found in ch02/source-code/src/shapes/QuadCurveShape.fx .
QuadCurve {
startX: 200.0
startY: 50.0
endX: 200.0
endY: 150.0
controlX: 300.0
controlY: 100.0
The CubicCurve class represents a cubic Bézier curve with the two control points represented
by properties controlX1 , controlY1 , controlX2 , controlY2 ; the curve's endpoints are
specified by properties startX , startY , endX , and endY (see next figure ). The full source can
be found in ch02/source-code/src/shapes/CubicCurveShape.fx .
CubicCurve {
startX: 50
startY: 100
endX: 325
endY: 100
controlX1: 100
controlY1: 0
controlX2: 300
controlY2: 200
See also
F Creating complex shapes using Path
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