Java Reference
In-Depth Information
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Once you have updated the code, right-click on the project and select Run-As-|-JavaFX-
Application. If you are running the application for the first time, you will be prompted to
select the application's targeted profile and the main class.
How it works...
Support for JavaFX in Eclipse comes as separate plugin download. When you install the plugin,
it adds the capabilities of JavaFX development to your IDE. Unlike the NetBeans plugin, as of
version 1.2, the SDK is not available as part of the plugin download. You must download and
have the SDK installed on your workstation. When the plugin is installed, it will look for the
SDK on your machine.
See also
F Installing the JavaFX SDK
F Setting up JavaFX for the NetBeans IDE
Using javafxc to compile JavaFX code
While it certainly makes it easier to build JavaFX with the support of an IDE (see the NetBeans
and Eclipse recipes), it is not a requirement. In some situations, having direct access to the
SDK tools is preferred (automated build for instance). This recipe explores the build tools that
are shipped with the JavaFX SDK and provides steps to show you how to manually compile
your applications.
Getting ready
To use the SDK tools, you will need to download and install the JavaFX SDK. See the recipe
Installing the JavaFX SDK for instructions on how to do it.
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