Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Stage {
title: "Hello JavaFX"
width: 250
height: 80
scene: Scene {
content: [
Text {
font : Font {size : 16}
x: 10
y: 30
content: "Hello World!"
When you run the code (right-click on the project and select Run-Project), NetBeans
automatically handles the compilation, packaging, and execution of the code in the
JavaFX runtime for you, as shown in the next screenshot.
How it works...
When you download the bundled NetBeans + JavaFX SDK, it comes with everything needed
to start developing JavaFX. The bundle will install the NetBeans IDE and will also automatically
download and install the NetBeans plugins required for JavaFX development including the latest
SDK. Be aware that if you have downloaded the SDK separately (as explained in the recipe
Installing the JavaFX SDK ), you will end up with two copies of the SDK on your local machine.
There's more...
If you already use NetBeans, you can make your IDE JavaFX-ready by downloading the necessary
plugins. The plugins contain the JavaFX SDK and all required dependencies to start your JavaFX
development immediately, no other download is required. Note that your NetBeans must meet
the minimum requirements for JavaFX to work properly (see previous recipe).
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