Java Reference
In-Depth Information
stroke: Color.BLACK
strokeWidth: 1.0
// Embedded images
Group {
id: " Letter_A "
content: [
ImageView {
fill: null
stroke: null
x: 439.33 y: 13.93
image: Image{ url: "{__DIR__}G2LAew0.png"}
The Illustrator plugin organizes the JavaFX objects as a collection of nested instances of
Group classes as follows:
F Root Group —there is a root Group instance that maps to the Adobe Illustrator
artboard as a container for all other graphics objects.
F Exported layers —each layer exported from Illustrator is represented as an instance of
Group , where the group's id property is set to the name of the exported layer. The
graphics objects in the layer are then exported as native JavaFX graphic nodes inside
the group's content property. Images embedded in the original artwork are exported
as PNG images, and are represented by ImageView instances.
What gets exported
The following list outlines the objects supported by the Illustrator Plugin and how they are
exported to JavaFX:
F Primitive shapes —basic Illustrator shapes (that is, line, polyline, rectangle, and
polygon) map directly to the corresponding JavaFX shape objects.
F Curves, paths, and complex shapes —Illustrator curves are mapped to the appropriate
JavaFX curve classes when possible. However, if there are no corresponding graphics
classes for the shape being exported, the plugin will fall back to the JavaFX Path
class. In some instances, the plugin will use SVG, via the SVGPath class, to export
complex shapes.
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