Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Once you have downloaded the SDK for your corresponding system, follow these instructions
for installation on Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, or OpenSolaris.
Installation on Windows
1. Find and double-click on the newly downloaded installation package ( .exe file)
to start.
2. Follow the directions from the installer wizard to continue with your installation.
Make sure to select the location for your installation. The installer will
run a series of validations on your system before installation starts. If the
installer finds no previously installed SDK (or the incorrect version), it will
download a SDK that meets the minimum requirements (which lengthens
your installation).
Installation on Mac OS
1. Prior to installation, ensure that your Mac OS meets the minimum requirements.
2. Find and double-click on the newly downloaded installation package ( .dmg file)
to start.
3. Follow the directions from the installer wizard to continue your installation.
4. The Mac OS installer will place the installed files at the following location:
/Library/Frameworks/JavaFX.framework/Versions/1.2 .
Installation on Ubuntu Linux and OpenSolaris
1. Prior to installation, ensure that your Ubuntu or OpenSolaris environment meets the
minimum requirements.
2. Locate the newly downloaded installation package to start installation. For Linux, the
file will end with * . For OpenSolaris, the installation file will end
with * .
3. Move the file to the directory where you want to install the content of the SDK.
4. Make the file executable ( chmod 755 ) and run it. This will extract the content of
the SDK in the current directory.
5. The installation will create a new directory, javafx-sdk1.2 , which is your JavaFX
home location ($JAVAFX_HOME ).
6. Now add the JavaFX binaries to your system's $PATH variable,
( export PATH=$PATH:$JAVAFX_HOME/bin ).
When your installation steps are completed, open a command prompt and validate your
installation by checking the version of the SDK.
$> javafx -version
$> javafx 1.2.3_b36
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