Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2. The next code segment shows you how to use the MediaController class
defined earlier:
def w = 800;
def h = 600;
def maxW = w * 0.8;
def maxH = h * 0.7;
var scene:Scene;
def mediaSource = "
def video = MediaView {
layoutX:(w - maxW)/2 layoutY:(h-maxH)/2
mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer {media:Media{source:mediaSource}}
fitWidth:maxW fitHeight:maxH
def controls = MediaController {
mediaPlayer: video.mediaPlayer
layoutX: (w - 200)/2 layoutY:video.fitHeight + 50
When we place variable video and the instance of MediaController in a scene and
execute the application, we get a screen as shown in the next screenshot:
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