Environmental Engineering Reference
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Chapter 11: Thoughts on Education, the Training of
Arctic Scientists and Arctic Research
The primary sources for this chapter have been:
The Arctic Council Kiruna Declaration , 2013. Arctic Council Secretariat. Tromso, Norway. www.arctic-
council.org .
The Arctic Council's Vision of the Arctic , 2013. Arctic Council Secretariat. Tromso, Norway. www.arctic-
council.org .
Suggested Further Reading
Aksnes, D. W. and D. O. Hessen, 2009. “The Structure and Development of Polar Research (1981-2007):
A Publication-Based Approach. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research , 41(2):155-63.
Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy . Ottawa. (version as dated: 2013-06-03) www.international.gc.ca .
Communication From the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council:
European Commission, 2013. European Union Strategy for the Arctic . http://europa.eu/rapid/press-re-
lease_SPEECH-13-329_en.htm .
The European Union and the Arctic Region , 2008. Commission of the European Communities. Brussels,
Krupnik, I. and D. Jolly (eds.), 2002. The Earth Is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Envir-
onmental Change . Arctic Research Consortium of the United States. Fairbanks, Alaska.
National Committee on Inuit Education, 2011. First Canadians, Canadians First . Available from Inuit Ta-
piriit Kanatami, 75 Albert St., Suite 1101, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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