Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
UNECE, 2010. Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution 2010: Part D, Answers to Policy Relevant Ques-
tions . Air Pollution Studies No. 20. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Geneva, Switzer-
UNEP, 2013. Global Mercury Assessment 2013: Sources, Emissions, Releases and Environmental Trans-
port . UNEP Chemicals Branch: Geneva, Switzerland. Technical background report available at:
www.amap.no/documents/doc/technical-background-report-for-the-global-mercury-assessment-2013/848 .
Suggested Further Reading
Addison, R. F. and P. F. Brodie, 1973. “Occurrence of DDT Residues in Beluga Whales (Delpinapterus
leucas) From the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.” Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada ,
Addison, R. F. and T. G. Smith, 1974. “Organochlorine Residue Levels in Arctic Ringed Seals: Variation
With Age and Sex.” Oikos , 25:335-37.
Arctic Council, 2000. The Barrow Declaration on the Occasion of the Second Ministerial Meeting of the
Arctic Council . Barrow, Alaska.
Aubail, A., R. Dietz, F. Riget, C. Sonne et. al., 2012. “Temporal Trend of Mercury in Polar Bears (Ursus
maritimus) From Svalbard Using Teeth as a Biomonitoring Tissue.” Journal of Environmental Monitor-
ing , 14:56-63.
Ayotte P., G. Muckle, J. L. Jacobson, S. W. Jacobson and É. Dewailly, 2003. “Assessment of Pre- and
Postnatal Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Lessons From the Inuit Cohort Study.” Environmental
Health Perspectives , 111:1253-58.
Balmford, A., 2013. “Pollution, Politics, and Vultures.” Science , 339:653-54.
Barr D. B., P. Weihe, M. D. Davis, L. L. Needham and P. Grandjean, 2006. “Serum Polychlorinated Bi-
phenyl and Organochlorine Insecticide Concentrations in a Faroese Birth Cohort.” Chemosphere ,
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