Environmental Engineering Reference
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in game theory, she is a natural master of the non-zero-sum game where one player's gain
need not be bad news for the other players.
This list could go on and on. However, I believe that the noted individuals and coun-
able of taking stock of the health of the Arctic homeland and of promoting international
actions to restore that health when necessary. They ensured that the Rovaniemi flame came
to life and flourished within the Arctic Council. Collectively, they epitomize the heart of
the Arctic Messenger.
In the preceding chapter , we decided that the Arctic Messenger probably feels fairly
comfortable with the actions taken to deal with stratospheric ozone depletion and acid rain.
For POPs, heavy metals and radioactivity, it could judge that we are heading slowly in the
right direction but at the same time question why a precautionary approach to chemical
regulation has not become universal in at least all the Arctic countries. But with climate
change, our Arctic Messenger would justifiably be puzzled. The Arctic environment, as it
was known by Arctic indigenous peoples born before about 1980, is vanishing before our
eyes. The fact that “we are all in this together” wherever we live should be blatantly obvi-
ous to anyone who gives it a moment of thought. But the world still fails to agree on what
to do.
I believe that climate change is the challenge that the Arctic Council must address
head-on. It is clearly within its mandate to do so. The 1996 founding declaration of the
council affirmed:
Its “commitment to the well-being of the inhabitants of the Arctic, including re-
cognition of the special relationship and unique contributions to the Arctic of indi-
genous peoples and their communities”.
Its “commitment to sustainable development in the Arctic region, including eco-
nomic and social development, improved health conditions and cultural well-be-
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