Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
learned that the potential number of substances with the properties of POPs is estimated
to be somewhere between hundreds to thousands. We also learned that health scientists in-
creasingly believe that a number of POPs, especially those with endocrine-disrupting and
neurotoxic properties, are already exerting a cost to society - possibly even at the level
of human embryonic development. Despite this knowledge, there are few signs that these
findings and concerns are being fully addressed by national agencies responsible for regu-
lating the commercial introduction of new chemicals. The fundamental challenge is the dif-
ficulty of implementing a precautionary approach to chemical regulation in a milieu char-
acterized by short-term economics and the power of industrial lobby groups in decision-
making processes. Until world governments get to grips with this issue, new POPs will
continue to enter into commerce and into the environment.
There may be an important exception to this state of affairs. In 2007 (after seven years
of negotiation), a process called Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) entered into force in the European Union (EU). No other interna-
tional chemicals management legislation comes as close as REACH to embracing the les-
sons learned in the Arctic and the precautionary principle. It applies only in the EU, but
its phased implementation should impact chemical use throughout the world. Embedded
within REACH is a category called substances of very high concern . These are chemicals
proposed for use in the EU that meet one or more of the following criteria:
It is carcinogenic.
It is mutagenic.
It is toxic for reproduction.
It is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic.
There is “scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health or the en-
vironment which give rise to an equivalent level of concern”. This criterion al-
lows, for example, that neurotoxic or endocrine-disrupting substances can be regu-
lated through REACH.
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