Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
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Mineralogy, geochemistry and stable isotopes
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Further reading: K005 to K012
Fluorescence and cathodoluminescence microscopy
Amieux, P. (1982): La cathodoluminescence: méthode
d'étude sédimentologique des carbonates. - Bull. Centre
Rech. Explor.-Prof. Elf-Aquitaine, 6 , 437-483
Barbin, V. (1995): Cathodoluminescence of carbonates: new
applications in geology and archaeology. - Scanning Mi-
croscope Supplement, 9 , 113-123
Barker, C.E., Kopp, A.C. (eds., 1991): Luminescence micros-
copy and spectroscopy. Quantitative and qualitative ap-
plications. - SEPM Short Course, 25 , 195 pp.
Fairchild, I.J. (1983): Chemical controls of cathodolumin-
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Gregg, J.M., Karakus, M. (1991): A technique for successive
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J. Sed. Petrol., 61 , 613-614
Hemming, N.G., Meyers, W.J., Grams, J.C. (1989): Cathodo-
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Machel, H.G., Mason, R.A., Marino, A., Mucci, A. (1991):
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