Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
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provenance by isotope analysis. - Science, 176 , 401-403
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Turkey): facies analysis and provenance. - Facies, 48 , 9-22
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Journal of Roman Archaeology, 4 , 28-50
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Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean and a love-story of
Antony and Cleopatra. - Facies, 46 , 217-228
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Gottheit in der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung München.
- Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter, 64 , 377-379
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Cleopatra's beach on the small Sedir Island in
Gökova Bay not far from Marmaris in the southeast-
ern Aegean Sea is a small pocket beach separated by a
man-made wall from the back-shore vegetation and soil.
The thickness of the ooid layer increases from zero near
the stone wall to about 80 cm near the water edge. The
bay is bordered by Tertiary conglomerates.
The ooids range in diameter from 0.1 to 1.0 mm.
Most ooids are spherical, but there is some variation in
shape depending on the shape of nuclei (Fig. 16A). The
latter are microcrystalline carbonate grains, skeletal
fragments and siliciclastic grains. The cortex consists
of tangential, predominantly aragonitic lamellae.
To check the old legend, the ooids of Cleopatra's
beach were compared with ooids from oolitic sands on
the coast west of Alexandria (Fig. 16B). Size, shape,
the laminated cortex and the predominance of arago-
nite correspond to criteria found in Cleopatra's ooids.
Were the ooids of Cleopatra's beach formed in situ?
Low-energy hydrodynamic conditions, low average
water temperature, and the lack of CaCO 3 oversatur-
ation and carbonate bedrocks in the vicinity contra-
dict an in-situ formation as high-energy ooids. A
generation as low-energy ooids is extremely unlikely
because of the absence of characteristic shapes, sizes
and radial cortical structures (see Sect. 4.2.5).
The conclusion is that Cleopatra's ooids were not
formed near Cleopatra's beach but were brought to
Sedir Island from Cleopatra's capital Alexandria. De-
tailed investigation of carbonate grains using micro-
facies methods fully support this episode in a famous
love story.
Basics: Archaeology and microfacies
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