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Further reading: K201
Nonparallel oblique bedding that might indicate
cross-bedding structures.
Gravity-dependent mechanical deposition of grains
or ore detritus.
Vertically graded bedding.
Geopetal deposition of minerals within sedimentary
cavities or in intraskeletal pores, e.g. shells filled
with micrite at the base and ore at the top.
Repeated sequences exhibiting an increase and de-
crease in the abundance of ore minerals within indi-
vidual strata forming rhythmic graded beds.
Resediments that provide evidence of erosion of ore-
containing strata.
Mechanical deposition of mineralized grains within
an erosional bottom relief.
Syngenetic deformation of both ore bodies and host
carbonates due to sliding and slumping.
Basics: Carbonatehosted mineral deposits
Bechstädt, T., Boni M. (eds., 1994): Sedimentological,
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Memorie descrittive, Carta geologica d'Italia, 48 , 432 pp.
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Moore, C.H. (eds.): Carbonate depositional environments.
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Bedeutung ihrer Geologie, Stratigraphie und Fazies-
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für Lagerstättenforschung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
Wien, 11 , 5-125
Cisternas, M.E. (1986): Stratigraphische, fazielle und litho-
geochemische Untersuchungen in der Unterkreide der
Region Atacama: Metallogenetische Bedeutung am Bei-
spiel der schichtgebundenen Eisen-Lagerstätte Bandurrias.
- Heidelberger Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 2 ,
268 pp.
De Voto, R.H. (1988): Late Mississippian paleokarst and re-
lated mineral deposits, Leadville Formation, Central Colo-
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