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Fig. 16.13. Permian Reef Complex. A: West side of the southern Guadalupe Mountains. West Side Scarp. El Capitan at the
southern end of the Guadalupe Mountains and most of the Guadalupe Peak represent the upper foreslope facies consisting of
very thickly bedded 'forereef' talus extending far into the basin. The Capitan-Massive reef facies is exposed in the upper part
of the Guadalupe Peak and in the adjacent cliff walls toward the Shumard Peak. 'Back-reef' facies occurs at the top of the
Guadalupe Peak. The brown sediments in the foreground below the El Capitan are the Cherry Canyon Formation and the
Brushy Canyon Formation. These units are basinal, predominantly siliciclastic sediments with tongues of reef-derived
calcarenites, indicating the progradation of the Capitan platform margin over the sediments of the Delaware Basin. Width of
the picture about 5 km. Photograph courtesy of W. Buggisch (Erlangen). B: Drawing by Norman Newell from Newell et al.
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Kiessling, W., Flügel, E., Golonka, J. (eds., 2002): Phanero-
zoic reef patterns. - SEPM, Special Publication, 75 ,
775 pp.
Kirkland, P.L., Dickson, J.A.D., Wood, R.A., Land, L.S.
(1998): Microbialite and microstratigraphy: the origin of
encrustations in the middle and upper Capitan Formation,
Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A. -
Journal of Sedimentary Research, A68 , 956-969
Kiessling, W., Flügel, E., Golonka, J. (eds., 2002): Phanero-
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