Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
calciturbidite sequence from the Dinantian II of the East-
ern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. - Facies, 27 , 249-262
Hohenegger, J., Yordanova, E. (2001): Depth-transport func-
tions and erosion-deposition diagrams as indicators of
slope inclination and time-averaged traction forces: ap-
plications in tropical reef environments. - Sedimentol-
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James, N.P., Mountjoy, E.W. (1983): Shelf slope break in
fossil carbonate platforms: An overview. - In: Stanley,
D.J., Moore, G.T. (eds): The shelf-break: Critical inter-
face in continental margins. - Society of Economic Pale-
ontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 33 ,
189-206, Tulsa
Keim, L., Schlager, W. (1999): Automicrite facies on steep
slopes (Triassic, Dolomites, Italy). - Facies, 41 , 15-26
Kenter, J.A.M. (1990): Carbonate platform flanks: slope angle
and sediment fabric. - Sedimentology, 37 , 777-794
Kenter, J.A.M., Campbell, A.E. (1991): Sedimentation on a
Jurassic carbonate platform flank: geometry, sediment fab-
ric and related depositional structures (Djebel Bou Dahar,
High Atlas, Morocco). - Sedimentary Geology, 1-34
Kenter, J.A.M., Schlager, W. (1989): A comparison of shear
strength in calcareous and marine sediments. - Marine
Geology, 88 , 145-152
Meischner, K.-D. (1964): Allodapische Kalke. Turbidite in
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Brouwer, A. (eds.): Turbidites. -Developments in Sedi-
mentology, 3 , 156-191
Mullins, H.T., Cook, H.E. (1986): Carbonate apron models:
alternatives to the submarine fan model for paleoenviron-
mental analysis and hydrocarbon exploration. - Sedimen-
tary Geology, 48 , 37-79
Mutti, M., Ricci Lucchi, F. (1978): Turbidites of the northern
Apennines: introduction to facies analysis. - Geology Re-
view, 20 . 125-166
Reijmer, J.J.G., Everaars, J.S.L. (1991): Carbonate platform
facies reflected in carbonate basin facies (Triassic, North-
ern Calcareous Alps, Austria). - Facies, 25 , 253-288
Reijmer, J.J.G., Schlager, W., Bosscher, H., Beets, C.J.,
McNeill, D.F. (1992): Late Pliocene platforn facies tran-
sition recorded in calciturbidites (Exuma Sound, Baha-
mas). - Sedimentary Geology, 78 , 171-179
Reijmer, J.J.G., Sprenger, A., Ten Kate, W.G.H.Z., Schlager,
W., Krystyn, L. (1994): Periodicities in the composition
of Late Triassic calciturbidites (Eastern Alps, Austria). -
In: De Boer, P., Smoth, D.G. (eds.): Orbital forcing and
cyclic sequences. - International Association of Sedimen-
tologists, Special Publication, 19 , 323-343
Reijmer, J.J.G., Ten Kate, W.G.H.Z., Sprenger, A., Schlager,
W. (1991): Calciturbidite composition related to exposure
and flooding of carbonate platforms (Triassic, Eastern
Alps). - Sedimentology, 38 , 1059-1074
Russo, F., Mastandrea, A., Neri, C. (1998): The Cipit boul-
ders from the surroundings of the Sella Massif. - Giornale
di Geologia, Ser. 3, 60 , Special Issue, ECOS-VII-South-
ern Alps Field Trip Guidebook, 108-115
Schlager, W., Camber, O. (1986): Submarine slope angles,
drowning unconformities and self erosion of limestone
escarpments. - Geology, 14 , 762-765
Schlager, W., Reijmer, J.J.G., Droxler, A.W. (1994): High-
stand shedding of rimmed carbonate platforms - an over-
view. - Journal of Sedimentary Research, B64 , 270-281
Shanmugam, G. (2000): 50 years of turbidite paradigm
(1950s-1990s): deep water processes and facies models -
a critical perspective. - Marine and Petroleum Geology,
17 , 285-342
Spence, G.H., Tucker, M.E. (1997): Genesis of limestone
megabreccias and their significance in carbonate sequence
stratigraphic models: a review. - Sedimentary Geology,
112 , 163-193
Stanley, D.J., Moore, G.T. (eds., 1983): The shelf-break: Criti-
cal interface in continental margins. - Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 33 ,
467 pp.
Steiger, T. (1981): Kalkturbidite im Oberjura der Nördlichen
Kalkalpen (Barmsteinkalke, Salzburg, Österreich). - Fa-
cies, 4 , 215-348
Further reading: K178, K180, K192
15.8 Pelagic
Deep-Marine Carbonates
Deep-marine basins in open-marine and deep shelf set-
tings are characterized by pelagic sediments. Carbon-
ate pelagic sediments originate from particle-by-par-
ticle sedimentation of skeletal debris of planktonic or-
ganisms from suspensions. Today coccolithophorids
(planktonic algae; Pl. 7/3) and pteropods (pelagic gas-
tropods) make up the calcareous oozes distributed in
deeper-water settings, including the ocean floor, sea-
mounts, mid-oceanic ridges and outer continental
shelves (Sect.
Pelagic carbonates have been reviewed by Scholle
et al. (1983), Leggett (1985), Jenkyns (1986), and
Tucker (1990).
Pelagic limestones are well represented in the Me-
sozoic and Cenozoic, but they appear to be less com-
mon in the Paleozoic (Box 15.4).
Most studies describing ancient 'deep-marine' lime-
stones are focused on allochthonous carbonates depos-
ited in slope or basinal settings. Microfacies studies of
autochthonous pelagic carbonates make up less than
20% of the total of papers dealing with the lithofacies
and biofacies of carbonate rocks. One of the reasons
for this significant bias may be the rather simple and
somewhat monotonous composition of pelagic lime-
stones in thin sections. Pelagic carbonates must be stud-
ied using combined geochemical, sedimentological and
paleontological methods.
15.8.1 Setting, Controls and Biota of Pelagic
Setting: Pelagic carbonates are deposited over a wide
range of settings from continental margins on drowned
carbonate platforms to slopes and to basins (Fig. 15.30).
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