Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
shelf deposit. - In: Franseen, E.K., Watney, W.L., Kendall,
G.St.C., Ross, W. (eds.): Sedimentary modeling: computer
simulations and methods for improved parameter defini-
tion. - Bulletin, Kansas Geological Survey, 233 , 463-472
Enos, P. (1991): Sedimentary parameters for computer mod-
eling. - In: Franseen, E.K., Watney, W.L., Kendall, G.St.C.,
Ross, W. (eds.): Sedimentary modeling: Computer simu-
lations and methods for improved parameter definition. -
Bulletin, Kansas Geological Survey, 233 , 63-100
Franseen, E.K., Watney, W.L., Kendall, G.St.C., Ross, W.
(eds., 1991): Sedimentary modeling: computer simulations
and methods for improved parameter definition. - Bulle-
tin, Kansas Geological Survey, 233 , 524 pp.
Harbough, J.W., Watney, W.L., Rankey, E., Slingerland, R.,
Goldstein, R., Franseen, E.V. (eds., 2000): Numerical ex-
periments in stratigraphy: recent advances in stratigraphic
and sedimentologic computer simulations. - SEPM Spe-
cial Publications, 62
Hüssner, H., Roessler, J. (1997): Mathematical modelling and
numerical simulation of reefs. - Courier Forschungsinstitut
Senckenberg, 201 , 225-236
Read, J.F., Osleger, D.A., Elrick, M. (1991): Two-dimensional
modeling of carbonate sequences and component cycles.
- In: Franseen, E.K., Watney, W.L., Kendall, G.St.C., Ross,
W. (eds.): Sedimentary modeling: Computer simulations
and methods for improved parameter definition. - Bulle-
tin, Kansas Geological Survey, 233 , 473-488
Slingerland, R., Harbaugh, J.W., Furlong, K.P. (1994): Simu-
lating clastic sedimentary basins. - Prentice Hall Sedi-
mentary Geology Series, 220 pp.
Strobel, J., Soewito, F., Kendall, C.G.St.C., Biwas, G.,
Bezdek, J., Cannon, R. (1990): Interactive simulation
(SEDPAK) of clastic and carbonate sediments in shelf to
basin settings. - In: Cross, T.A. (ed.): Quantitative dy-
namic stratigraphy. - 433-444, Englewood (Prentice Hall)
Vahrenkamp, V., Grötsch, J. (1994): 3-D architecture model
of a Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoir: A 1 Huwaisah
Field, Sultanate of Oman. - In: Al-Husseini. M.I. (ed.):
Geo'94. - The Middle East Petroleum Geosciences, 2 , 901-
Walkden, G.M., Walkden, G.D. (1990): Cyclic sedimenta-
tion in carbonate and mixed carbonate-clastic environ-
ments: four simulation programs for a desktop computer.
- In: Tucker, M.E., Wilson, J.L., Crevello, P.D., Sarg, J.R.,
Read, J.F. (eds.): Carbonate platforms: facies, sequences
and evolution. - International Association of Sedimentolo-
gists, Special Publication, 9 , 55-78
Further reading: K197, K198
14.2.1 Concepts and Methods
Biotic distributional patterns across platforms or ramps
can be defined by
the lateral distribution of higher systematic units (e.g.
groups and subgroups of calcareous algae),
the average distribution and association of genera
and their morphologies (e.g. of foraminifera),
the integration of fossil assemblages, limestone com-
position and microfacies data, and the use of 'indi-
cator fossils', and
the distribution of benthic assemblages along shal-
low marine to deeper marine transects.
Lateral distribution of higher systematic units: This
approach is limited to groups whose lateral and depth
distribution depend on only a few dominant ecological
factors, such as light for the algae. Modern calcareous
green algae occur in shallow restricted and open plat-
form and inner ramp environments (FZ 8 and 7), cal-
careous red algae also in platform-edge and upper slope
environments (FZ 6) and mid-ramp settings. Calcified
cyanobacteria are concentrated in the restricted envi-
ronments of facies zone FZ 8. This distribution pattern
is similar in Tertiary platforms and in some Mesozoic
platforms, but must be modified for Paleozoic shelves
as demonstrated by Fig. 10.17. Modifications are nec-
essary because of the specific distributional patterns of
now extinct subgroups.
Average distribution and association of genera and
their morphologies: This approach is exemplified by
Fig. 14.7. Functionally-controlled morphology and life-
style of benthic foraminifera can be used to distinguish
ramps and rimmed platforms (Geel 2000).
Larger foraminifera are valuable paleoenvironmen-
tal indicators for Cenozoic carbonates (Hallock and
Glenn 1986). The shape and thickness of the tests as
well as distribution trends of modern larger foramin-
ifera differ in inner and outer shelf regions. These dif-
ferences are used in distinguishing sediments with fora-
minifera in different shelf areas. The distribution pat-
terns reflect the standard facies zones of the Wilson
model and can be used in recognizing the major depo-
sitional environments.
14.2 Biotic Zonation Patterns
Shallow-marine benthic organisms modify substrate
and water circulation resulting in the production of sedi-
ments and depositional geometries that are recogniz-
ably different from those that would originate without
The distribution of benthic communities on plat-
forms and ramps exhibits characteristic zonation pat-
terns that can be used in recognizing facies belts and
evaluating paleowater depths.
Integration of fossil assemblages, limestone compo-
sition and microfacies data, and the use of 'indicator'
fossils . Recurrent fossil distributional assemblages and
limestone textures within specific time slices are the
basis of stratigraphically limited facies models. These
models represent summaries of case studies. The case
studies were evaluated with respect to those sedimen-
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