Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Calcareous Alps. - Abhandlungen der Geologischen
Bundesanstalt Wien, 56 , 379-418
Schröder, R., Neumann, M. (1985): Les Grand Foraminiféres
du Cretacé moyen de la région méditerranne. - Geobios,
Mémoire spécial, 7 , 161 pp.
Septfontaine, M. (1980): Les foraminifères imperforès des
mileux des mileux plate-forme au Mésozoique: déter-
mination pratique, interprétation phylogénetique et utili-
sation biostratigraphique. - Revue de Micropaléontologie,
23 , 169-203
Tisljar, J., Velic, I. (1993): Upper Jurassic (Malm) shallow-
water carbonates in western Gorski Kotar area: facies and
depositional environments (western Croatia). - Geologia
Croatica, 46 , 263-279
Further reading: K111, K129, K142, K144
Carpathians, the Apuseni Mountains in Romania and
the Central Apennines form one region in which the
platforms appear to exhibit identical or similar biozo-
nation sequences.
Basics: Biozonation of platform carbonates based on thin
section fossils
Azema, J, Chabrier, G., Fourcade, E., Jaffrezo M. (1977):
Nouvelles données micropaléontologiques stratigra-
phiques et paléogéographiques sur le Portlandien et le
Néocomian de Sardaigne. - Revue des Micropaléonto-
logie, 20 , 125-139
Arnaud-Vanneau, A. (1980): Micropaléontologie, palécologie
et sédimentologie d'un platforme carbonatée de la marge
passive de la Théthys: l'Urgonian du Vercors septentrional
et de la Chatreuse (Alpes occidentales). - Géologie Al-
pine, Mémoire, 11 , part 1, 267 pp., part 2, 874 pp., part 3,
119 pp.
Bodrogi. I., Bona, J., Lobitzer, H. (1994): Vergleichende
Untersuchung der Foraminiferen- und Kalkalgen-Asso-
ziationen der Urgon-Entwicklung des Schrattenkalkes in
Vorarlberg (Österreich) und der Nagyharssány Kalkstein
Formation des Vilány-Gebirges (Ungarn). - Jubiläums-
schrift 20 Jahre Geologische Zusammenarbeit Österreich-
Ungarn, Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, Teil 2, 225-283
De Castro, P. (1987): Le facies di piattaforma carbonatica
del Giurassico italiano: diffusione areale e lineamente
biostratigrafici. - Bolletino della Società Paleontologica
Italiana, 26 , 309-325
Dragastan, O. (1975): Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous
microfacies from the Bicaz Valley Basin (East Carpath-
ians). - Institut de Géologie et Géophysics Bucuresti,
Memoir, 21 , 87 pp.
Farinacci, A., Radoicic, R. (1964): Correlazione tra serie
giurese e cretacee del'Apennino centrale e Dinaridi
esterne. - Ricerche Scientifiche, Anno 34 (IIA) , 169-300
Garcia-Hernandez, M. (1981): Biozonation du Cretacé in-
férieur a l'aide des foraminiféres benthiques et algues
dasycladacés dand le Prebetique occidental (Cordilleres
Betiques, Espagne). - Geobios, 14 , 261-267
Jaffrezo, M. (1980): Les formations carbonatées des Corbiéres
(France du Dogger a l'Aptien: micropaléontologie strati-
graphique, biozonation, palécologie. Extension des resul-
tats a la Meésogé. - Thése Doctorat d'Etat, Université
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, 613 pp.
Rasser, M.W., Fenninger, A. (2002): Jurassic/Cretaceous
Dasycladalean algal stratigraphy in the Northern Calcare-
ous Alps: a critical review and a paleobiogeographcal ap-
proach using similarity indices. - In: Bucur, I.U., Filipescu,
S. (eds.): Research advances in calcareous algae and
microbial carbonates. - Proceedings of the 4th IFAA Re-
gional Meeting, Cluj-Napoca 2001, 167-190
Salvador, A. (ed., 1994): International stratigraphic guide. -
214 pp., Boulder (Geological Society of America)
Sartorio, D., Venturini, S. (1988): Southern Tethys biofacies.
- 235 pp., San Donato Milanese (Agip)
Sartorio, S., Crescenti, U. (1962): Ricerche biostratigrafiche
nel Mesozoico dell'Appennino meridionale. - Giornale
di Geologia, 29 , 161-304
Schlagintweit, F., Ebli, O. (1999): New results on microfacies,
biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Late Jurassic-
Early Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Northern
10.4 Where to Look for Thin-Section
Pictures of Fossils and Microfacies
A good picture may say more than many words. There-
fore, the survey given in Sect. 10.2 on the various groups
of thin-section fossils is supplemented in a more prac-
tical way by the following list, which should assist in
finding appropriate thin-section photographs. Sect. 10.4
presents a bibliography of topics and papers that in-
clude good and instructive photographs (at least 10
plates) of skeletal grains and common microfacies types
in Phanerozoic carbonates. Not included are specific
publications on the major groups of thin-section fos-
sils (foraminifera, calcareous algae).
The references are marked by letters that character-
ize the main topics dealt with: BZ - biozonations based
on thin-section fossils, E - environmental conditions,
F - facies characteristics and sedimentological criteria,
FM - facies models, P - valuable paleontological infor-
mations, PD - paleontological determinations that can
be used in the generic and/or specific assignment of
thin-section fossils.
Topic scovering several time units
Bozorgnia, F., Banafti, S. (1964): Microfacies and microor-
ganisms of Paleozoic through Tertiary sediments of some
parts of Iran. - 22 pp., 158 Pls., Tehran (Iranian Oil Com-
pany). Cambrian, Devonian to Tertiary (Miocene). PD
Chiocchini, M., Mancinelli, A. (1977): Microbiostratigrafia
del Mesozoico in facies di piattaforma carbonatica dei
Monti Aurunci (Lazio Meridionale). - Studi Geol. Camerti,
3 , 109-152, 48 Pls., Camerino. Late Triassic to Miocene.
Cita, M.B. (1965): Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary micro-
facies from the Southern Alps (Northern Italy). - Interna-
tional Sedimentary Petrographical Series, 8 , 99 pp., 117
Pls., Leiden (Brill). Early Jurassic to Late Tertiary (Mi-
ocene). PD
Christodoulou, G., Tsaila-Monopolis, St. (1975): Eastern Hel-
lenic zone microfacies. - National Institute of Geological
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