Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
De Castro, P. (1990): Thaumatoporelle: conoscenze attuale a
appoccio all'interpretazione. - Bolletino della Società
Paleontologica Italiana, 29 , 176-206
Elliott, G.F. (1958): Fossil microproblematica from the Middle
East. - Micropaleontology, 4 , 419-428
Elliott, G.F. (1963): Problematical microfossils from the Cre-
taceous and Paleocene of the Middle East. - Palaeontology,
6 , 293-200
Flügel, E. (1964): Mikroproblematika aus rhätischen Riffkalken
der Nordalpen. - Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 38 , 74-87
Flügel, E. (1972): Mikroproblematika in Dünnschliffen von
Triaskalken. - Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie-
und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich, 21 , 857-988
Glück, H. (1912): Eine neue gesteinsbildende Siphonee
(Codiacee) aus dem marinen Tertiär von Süddeutschland.
- Mitteilungen der badischen Geologischen Landesanstalt,
4 , 3-24
Henssel, K., Schmid, D.U., Leinfelder, R. (2002): Computer-
gestützte 3D-Rekonstruktionen in der Paläontologie an
Hand von Serienschnitten. - Mathematische Geologie, 6 ,
Hoffman, A., Nitecki, M.H. (eds., 1986): Problematic fossil
taxa. - Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics
5 , 267 pp., New York (Oxford University Press)
Klappa, C.F. (1978): Biolithogenesis of Microcodium : eluci-
dation. - Sedimentology, 25 , 489-522
Kobluk, D.R. (1988): Cryptic faunas in reefs: ecologic and
geologic importance. - Palaios, 3 , 379-390
Munnecke, A. (2001): Halysis Hoeg, 1932 - a problematic
Cyanophyceae: new evidence from the Silurian of Got-
land (Sweden). - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palä-
ontologie, Monatshefte, 2001 , 21-42
Nassichuk, W.W., Davies, G.R., Mamet, B.L. (1986): Micro-
codiaceans in the Viséan Emma Fjord Formation, Devon
Island, Arctic Canada. - Current Research, part B, Geo-
logical Survey of Canada, Paper 861B , 467-470
Perret, M.F., Vachard, D., Aguirre, P., Crasquin-Soleau, S.
(1994): Micropaléontologie des calcaires epibathyaux a
Globochaete (algue problématique) du Carbonifère des
Pyrénées. - Geobios, 27 , 659-675
Riding, R., Guo, L. (1992): Affinity of Tubiphytes . - Palae-
ontology, 35 , 37-49
Schmid, D.U.: (1995): 'Tubiphytes' morronensis - eine fakul-
tativ inkrustierende Foraminifere mit endosymbiontischen
Algen. - Profil, 8 , 305-317
Schmid, D.U. (1996): Marine Mikrobolithe und Mikroinkrus-
tierer aus dem Oberjura. - Profil, 9 , 101-251
Schmid, D.U., Leinfelder, R. (1996): The Jurassic Litho-
codium aggregatum - Troglotella incrustans foraminiferal
consortium. - Palaeontology, 39 , 21-52
Senowbari-Daryan, B. (1984): Mikroproblematika aus den
obertriadischen Riffkalken von Sizilien. - Münstersche
Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 61 , 1-81
Senowbari-Daryan, B., Flügel, E. (1993): Tubiphytes Maslov,
an enigmatic fossil: Classification, fossil record and sig-
nificance through time. Part I: Discussion of Late Palaeo-
zoic material. - In: Barattolo, F., DeCastro, P., Parente,
M. (eds.): Studies on fossil benthic algae. - Bolletino della
Società Paleontologica Italiana, Special Volume, 1 , 353-382
Skompski, P. (1982): The nature and systematic position of
the microfossil Globochaete alpina Lombard, 1945. - Acta
Geologica Polonica, 32 , 47-56
Vennin, E., Vachard, D., Proust, J.-N. (1997): Taphonomie et
synécologie du 'genre' Tubiphytes dans les biocon-
Permian Tubiphytes are encrusters, binders, bafflers
and frame builders in reefs (LeMone 1995; Wahlman
2002; Weidlich 2002) but are also known from bedded
shelf carbonates. Tubiphytes occurs in shallow subtidal
(and intertidal) settings as well as in submarine fissures
indicating relatively large tolerance levels with regard
to light, salinity and substrate. Tubiphytes is commonly
associated with Archaeolithoporella , sponges and bryo-
zoans. The group flourished in warm-water tropical set-
tings but also lived in deeper shelf and slope environ-
ments as well as in cooler settings.
Triassic Tubiphytes are major constituents of Middle
Triassic reefs but minor elements in Late Triassic reefs.
Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Tubiphytes oc-
curred in different environments as compared with Pa-
leozoic Tubiphytes, including shallow outer ramp en-
vironments where thick specimens lived, and deeper-
marine and cryptic habitats characterized by thinner
specimens (Schmid 1996). Various growth forms re-
flect different water energies (Kott 1989). Intergrown
Tubiphytes morronensis associated with Terebella (see
Pl. 92/10) is abundant in Late Jurassic and Early Creta-
ceous proximal platform talus and slope deposits as well
as in siliceous sponge 'reefs' formed in deeper ramp
settings. Paleowater depths of about 100 to 200 m have
been considered for mass occurrences. The species also
contributed to the formation of organic frameworks
(Pomoni-Papaioannou et al. 1989).
Interpretation: Tubiphytes has been attributed to
various algal groups, cyanobacteria as well as sponges,
hydrozoans and foraminifera (Riding and Guo 1992).
The current explanation for Paleozoic and some Trias-
sic Tubiphytes is a symbiotic commensalism of differ-
ent organisms recorded by the spar-filled 'cavities' and
tubes and calcified cyanobacteria represented by the
surrounding network. Jurassic Tubiphytes are explained
as foraminifera.
Basics: Microproblematica
Babcock, J.A. (1986): The puzzle of alga-like problematica,
or rummaging around in the algal wastebasket. - In:
Hofman, A., Nitecki, M.H. (eds.): Problematic fossil taxa.
- Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics. -
12-26, New York (Oxford University Press)
Banner, F.T., Finch, E.M., Simmons, M.D. (1990): On
Lithocodium Elliott (calcareous green algae): its paleobio-
logical and stratigraphical significance. - Journal of Micro-
paleontology, 9 , 21-36
Bengtson, S. (1990): Problematic fossil taxa. - In: Briggs,
D.E., Crowther, P.R. (eds.): Palaeobiology. A synthesis. -
442-445, Oxford (Blackwell)
Cherchi, A., Schroeder, R. (1988): Osservazioni sui micro-
problematica Paronipora Capeder, Microcodium Glück,
Baccanella Pantic et Paleomicrocodium Mamet and Roux.
- Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 27 , 79-
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