Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Basque Country). - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 141 , 303-328
Fürsich, F.T., Oschmann, W. (1993): Shell beds as tools in
basin analysis: the Jurassic of Kachchh, western India. -
Journal of the Geological Society London, 150 , 169-185
Gill, E., La Barbera, M. (1998): Hydrodynamic behaviour
of long cylindrical rudist shells: ecological consequences.
- Geobios, 22 , 137-145
Hagdorn, H., Mundlos, R. (1982): Autochthonschille im
Oberen Muschelkalk (Mitteltrias) Südwestdeutschlands.
- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,
Abhandlungen, 162 , 332-351
Kidwell, S.M. (1991): The stratigraphy of shell concentra-
tions. - In: Allison, P.A., Briggs, D.E.G. (eds.): Taphon-
omy: releasing the data locked in the fossil record. - Top-
ics in Geobiology, 9 , 211-290, New York (Plenum)
Kidwell, S.M., Tothfus, D.A., Best, M.M.R. (2001): Sensi-
tivity of taphonomic signatures to sample size, sieve size,
damage scoring systems, and target taxa. - Palaios, 16 ,
Lee, C.W. (1983): Bivalve mounds and reefs of the Central
High Atlas, Morocco. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimat-
ology, Palaeoecology, 43 , 154-168
McLeod, K.G., Ward, P.D. (1990): Extinction pattern of
Inoceramus (Bivalvia) based on shell fragment biostratig-
raphy. - In: Sharpton, V.L., Ward, P.D. (eds.): Global
catastrophs in earth history. An interdisciplinary confer-
ence on impacts, volcanism and mass mortality. - Geo-
logical Society of America, Special Paper, 247 , 509-518
Monaco, P. (2000): Biological and physical agents of shell
concentrations of Lithiotis facies enhanced by micro-
stratigraphy and taphonomy, Early Jurassic, Trento Area
(Northern Italy). - GeoResearch Forum, 6 , 473-486
Moore, R.C. (ed., 1969): Mollusca 6 (Bivalvia). Volumes 1
and 2. - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part N,
952 pp., 613 pp., Lawrence (Geological Society of America)
Schumann, D. (1995): Upper Cretaceous rudists and stro-
matoporoid associations of Central Oman (Arabian Pen-
insula). - Facies, 32 , 180-202
Stenzel, H.B. (ed., 1971): Mollusca 6, Bivalvia (Oysters).
Volume 3 - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part
N. - 275 pp., Lawrence (Geological Society of America)
Further reading: K124
Skeletal mineralogy and microstructure: The calcar-
eous shell (ostracum) is covered by an organic layer
(periostracum). Most gastropod shells consist com-
pletely of aragonite; a few families have a mixed min-
eralogy, with an outer layer of calcite and an inner layer
of aragonite. Conchiolin forms a thin external cover
over the shell (periostracum). The whorls are composed
of one to several layers of calcium carbonate, which
are distinguished by differences in mineral composi-
tion and microstructure. The most abundant micro-
structure in aragonitic layers is crossed-lamellar, char-
acterized by layers of crystals oriented in different di-
rections. Other common microstructures are the nor-
mal prismatic found in calcitic layers (fine calcite prisms
oriented normal or inclined to the outer surface), com-
plex crossed-lamellar, and nacreous (aragonite crystals
arranged in thin sheets and separated by sheets of or-
ganic material; e.g. some Archaeogastropoda). Photo-
graphs of gastropod microstructures can be found in
Majewske (1974).
Small fragments of gastropods are distinguished
from bivalves by the existence of multiple layers of
well-developed crossed-lamellar microstructures, small
composite prisms, and nacreous layers associated with
layers exhibiting dissimilar microstructures.
Preservation: Most gastropods are preserved as
molds and casts (Pl. 89/8). Shells composed of arago-
nite are subject to two main fates: they are either dis-
solved to form complete or partial molds that may be
subsequently filled with cement, or they may be trans-
formed during recrystallization to Low-Mg calcite by
the simultaneous volume per volume dissolution of ara-
gonite and precipitation of calcite along intervening so-
lution films. In recrystallized shells some trace of the
original microstructures can be retained (Pl. 89/4, 7).
Students may confuse small gastropods with foramin-
ifera but the tests of the latter consisting of calcite are
rarely preserved as casts. Gastropods
Classification: Three subclasses are differentiated
based on the respirative system comprising the Proso-
branchia, with more than half of all gastropods, the
Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda and Neogastro-
poda (Cambrian to Holocene), the highly diverse
Opisthobranchia (Mississippian to Holocene) and the
terrestrial Pulmonata (Pennsylvanian to Holocene). The
Opisthobranchia and Pulmonata have aragonitic shells.
Most calcite-bearing shells belong to the Prosobranchia.
Gastropods are abundant constituents of limestones
(Fig. 10.43). They are known throughout the Phanero-
zoic, but are most abundant in the Mesozoic and Ceno-
Morphology: Most gastropods have an external uni-
valved, usually unchambered shell that is usually coiled.
Coiling may be either in a single plane or a helical spi-
ral about an imaginary axis. The whorls are tightly
wrapped about the preceding whorl to form a central
pillar (columella, Pl. 89/5), or the whorls are closely
wrapped to form a central cavity. The exterior of the
shells may be smooth or ornamented with ribs, nodes
and spines.
Ecology: Gastropods live in marine, freshwater and
terrestrial environments. Most gastropods are mobile
benthic organisms, but some have become adapted to
sedentary life and to pelagic life (pteropods).
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