Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Wright, V.P. (ed., 1986): Paleosols. Their recognition and in-
terpretation. - 315 pp., Oxford (Blackwell)
Wright, V.P., Tucker, M.E. (1991): Calcretes. - Reprint Se-
ries Int. Ass. Sed., 2 , 352 p., Oxford (Blackwell)
Further reading: K030
ate depositional environments. - Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol.
Mem., 33 , 131-170
Pye, K. (1994): Aeolian sediments: ancient and modern. -
Spec. Publ. Int. Ass. Sedimentologists., 16 , 192 pp.
Sayles, R.W. (1931): Bermuda during the Ice Age. - Ameri-
can Academy of Arts and Sciences, 66 , 381-468
Further reading: K 032
Cave carbonates, speleothems and karst
Borsato, A., Frisia S., Jones B., Van der Borg, K. (2000):
Calcite moonmilk: crystal morphology and environment
of formation in caves in the Italian Alps. - J. Sed. Re-
search, A70 , 1171-1182
Chafetz, H.S., Butler, J.C. (1980): Petrology of recent cali-
che, pisolites, spherulites and speleothem deposits from
central Texas. - Sedimentology, 27 , 497-518
Drybrodt, W. (1988): Processes in karst systems - physics,
chemistry, geology. - Springer Series in Physical Envi-
ronments, 4 , 288 pp., New York (Springer)
Folk, R.L., Assereto, R. (1976): Comparative fabric of length-
slow and length-fast calcite and calcitized aragonite in a
Holocene speleothem, Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico. -
J. Sed. Petrol., 46 , 486-496
Frisia, S., Borsato, A., Fairchild, I.J., McDermott, F. (2000):
Calcite fabrics, growth mechanisms, and environments of
formations in speleothems from the Italian Alps and south-
western Ireland. - J. Sed. Research, A70 , 1183-1196
Choquette, P.W., James, N.P. (eds., 1988): Paleokarst. -
416 pp., New York (Springer)
Fritz, R.D., Wilson, J.L., Yurewicz, D.A. (eds., 1993): Paleo-
karst related hydrocarbon reservoirs. - Soc. Econ. Paleont.
Min. Core Workshop, 275 pp.
Klinchouk, A.B., Ford, D.C., Palmer, A.N., Dreybrodt, W.
(eds., 2000): Speleogenesis: evolution of karst aquifers. -
527 pp., Huntsville (National Speleological Society)
Mylroie, J.E., Carew, J.L., Vacher, H.L. (1995): Karst devel-
opment in the Bahamas and Bermuda. - In: Curran, H.A.,
White, B. (eds.): Terrestrial and marine geology of Baha-
mas and Bermuda. - Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper, 300 ,
Purdy, E.G. Waltham, D. (1999): Reservoir implication of
modern karst topography. - Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull.,
83 , 1774-1794
Thrailkill, J. (1976): Speleothems. - In: Walter, M.E. (ed.):
Stromatolites. - 73-86, Amsterdam (Elsevier)
Tietz, G.F. (1988): Zur Genese rezenter Karbonatbil-
dungen in Dolomithöhlen Frankens. - Karst und Höhle,
1988 , 7-79
Further reading : K031
Glacial carbonates
Edwards, M. (1986): Glacial environments. - In: Reading,
H.G. (ed.): Sedimentary environment and facies. - 445-
470, Oxford (Blackwell)
Eyles, N., Eyles, C.H. (1992): Glacial depositional systems.
- In: Walker, R.G., James, N.P. (eds.): Facies models. Re-
sponse to sea level change. - 73-100, Ottawa (Geol. Ass.
Fairchild, I.J., Bradby, L., Spiro, B. (1993): Carbonate di-
agenesis in ice. - Geology, 21 , 901-904
Fairchild, I.J., Spiro, B. (1990): Carbonate minerals in gla-
cial sediments: Geochemical clues to paleoenvironment.
- In: Scource, J.D., Dowdeswell, J.A. (eds.): Glacimarine
environments and processes. - Geol. Soc. London Spec.
Publ., 53 , 241-256
Suess, E., Balzer, W., Hesse, K-F., Müller, P.J., Ungerer, C.A.,
Wefer, G. (1982): Calcium carbonate hexahydrate from
organic rich sediments of the Antarctic shelf: precursors
of glendolites. - Science, 216 , 1128-1131, Washington
Shearman, D.J., Smith, A.J. (1985): Ikaite, the parent min-
eral of jarrowite-type pseudomorphs. - Proc. Geol. Ass.
London, 96 , 305-314, London
Further reading : K210
Calcareous tufa and travertine
Andrews, J.E., Pedley, M., Dennis, P.F. (2000): Paleoenvi-
ronmental records in Holocene Spanish tufas: a stable iso-
tope approach in search of reliable climatic archives. -
Sedimentology, 47 , 961-971
Arp, G., Wedemeyer, N., Reitner, J. (2001): Fluvial tufa for-
mation in a hard-water creek (Deinschwanger Bach, Franc-
onian Alb, Germany). - Facies, 44 , 1-22
Chafetz, H.S., Folk, R.L. (1984): Travertines: depositional
morphology and the bacterially constructed constituents.
- J. Sed. Petrol., 54 , 289-316
Folk,, R.L., Chafetz, H.S. (1983): Pisoliths (pisoids) in Qua-
ternary travertines of Tivoli, Italy. - In: Peryt, T.M. (ed.):
Coated grains. - 471-487, Berlin (Springer)
Ford, T.D., Pedley, H.M. (1996): A review of tufa and traver-
tine deposits of the world. - Earth-Science Reviews, 41 ,
Irion, G., Müller, G. (1968): Mineralogy, petrology and chemi-
cal composition of calcareous tufa from the Schwäbische
Alb, Germany. - In: Müller, G., Friedman, G.M. (eds.):
Recent developments in carbonate sedimentology in cen-
tral Europe. - 157-171, Berlin (Springer)
Julia, R. (1983): Travertines. - In: Scholle, P.A., Bebout, D.G.,
Moore, C.H. (eds.): Carbonate depositional environments.
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists Mem.,
33 , 64-72
Koban, C.G. (1993): Faziesanalyse und Genese der quartären
Sauerwasserkalke von Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. -
Profil, 5 , 47-118
Koban, C.G., Schweigert, G. (1993): Microbial origin of trav-
ertine fabrics. Two examples from southern Germany
Eolian carbonates
Abegg, F.E.R., Harris, P.M., Loope, D.B. (eds., 2001): Mod-
ern and ancient carbonate eolianites: sedimentology, se-
quence stratigraphy and diagenesis. - SEPM Spec. Publ.,
71 , 214 pp.
Bigarella, J.J. (1972): Eolian environments: their character-
istics, recognition, and importance. - Soc. Econ. Paleont.
Min. Spec. Publ., 16 , 12-61
Brookfield, M.E. (1992): Eolian systems. - In: Walker, R.G.,
James, N.P. (eds.): Facies models. Response to sea level
change. - 143-156, Ottawa (Geol. Ass. Canada)
Caputo, M.V. (1995): Sedimentary architecture of Pleistocene
eolian calcarenites, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. - Geol.
Soc. America Spec. Paper, 300 , 63-76
McKee, E., Ward, C.W. (1983): Eolian environment. - In:
Scholle, P.A., Bebout, D.G., Moore, C.H. (eds.): Carbon-
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