Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Symposium on Fossil Algae. - Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-
Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, 3 , 385-885, Pau
Riding, R. (ed., 1991): Calcareous algae and stromatolites. -
571 pp., Berlin (Springer)
Round, F.E. (1981): The ecology of algae. - 653 pp., Cam-
bridge (Univ. Press)
Toomey, D.F., Nitecki, M.H.(eds., 1985): Paleoalgology. Con-
temporary research and applications. - 375 pp., Berlin
Walter, M.R. (ed., 1976): Stromatolites. - Developments in
Sedimentology, 20 , 790 pp., Amsterdam (Elsevier)
Wray, J.L. (1977): Calcareous algae. - Developments in
Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 4 , 184 pp., Amsterdam
shelf environments and open-marine basinal settings
started during the Triassic, increased in the Jurassic and
became a dominant process in Cretaceous and Ceno-
zoic times. The influx of shallow-water algal material
derived from platforms into slope and basinal settings
is known already from the Cambrian, and is a common
feature in Mesozoic periplatform carbonates.
Cyanobacteria, charophycean algae as well as a few
green algae are important constituents of nonmarine
Mesozoic and Cenozoic lacustrine carbonates.
Basics: Calcimicrobes and algae
Far more general texts and overviews deal with calcare-
ous algae than most invertebrate groups.
Taxonomically based overviews are listed at the end of
the relevant paragraphs.
Reviews of calcareous algae from different time intervals
Awramik,S.M. (1991): Archaean and Proterozoic stromato-
lites. - In: Riding, R. (ed.): Calcareous algae and stroma-
tolites. - 289-304, Berlin (Springer)
Chuvashov, B., Riding, R. (1984): Principal floras of Palaeo-
zoic marine calcareous algae. - Palaeontology, 27 , 487-
Emberger, J. (1976): Les algues (Chlorophyceae, Prasino-
phyceae, Rhodophyceae) du Carbonifère et du Permien.
Essai d'un inventaire bibliographique, géographique,
stratigraphique. - Bulletin de l'Institut de Géologie du
Bassin d'Aquitaine, Numero Spécial, 168 pp.
Emberger, J. (1976): Les algues (Chlorophyceae, Prasino-
phyceae, Rhodophyceae) du Dévonien. Essai d'un inven-
taire bibliographique, géographique, stratigraphique. -
Bulletin de l'Institut de Géologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine,
Numero Spécial, 94 pp.
Emberger, J. (1979): Les algues (Euchlorophyceae, Prasino-
phyceae, Rhodophyceae)du Trias. Essai d'un inventaire
bibliographique, géographique, stratigraphique. - Bulle-
tin de l'Institut de Géologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine,
Numero Spécial, 157 pp.
Flügel, E. (1991): Triassic and Jurassic marine calcareous
algae: a critical review. - In: Riding, R. (ed.): Calcareous
algae and stromatolites. - 481-503, Berlin (Springer)
Johnson, J.H. (1961): A review of Ordovician algae. - Quar-
terly, Colorado School of Mines, 56 /2, 1-101
Johnson, J.H. (1961):The Jurassic algae. - Quarterly, Colo-
rado School Mines, 59 , 129 pp.
Johnson, J.H. (1963): Pennsylvanian and Permian algae -
Quarterly, Colorado School of Mines, 58 , 1-218
Johnson, R. (1966): A review of the Cambrian algae. - Quar-
terly, Colorado School of Mines, 61 , 1-162
Johnson, J.H. (1969): A review of the Lower Cretaceous al-
gae. - Professional Contributions Colorado School of
Mines, 6 , 180 pp.
Johnson, J.H., Konishi, K. (1956): A review of Mississippian
algae. - Quarterly, Colorado of School Mines, 51 /4, 1-84
Johnson. J.H., Konishi, K. (1958): A review of Devonian al-
gae. - Quarterly, Colorado School of Mines, 53 /2, 1-84
Johnson, J.H., Konishi, K. (1959): A review of Silurian
(Gotlandian) calcareous algae. - Quarterly, Colorado
School of Mines, 54 /1, 1-114
Mamet, B. (1991): Carboniferous calcareous algae. - In:
Riding, R. (ed.): Calcareous algae and stromatolites. - 370-
451, Berlin (Springer)
Riding, R. (1991): Cambrian calcareous Cyanobacteria and
algae. - In: Riding, R. (ed.): Calcareous algae and stro-
matolites. - 305-334, Berlin (Springer)
General texts
Barattolo, F., de Castro, P., Parente, M. (1993): Studies on
fossil benthic algae. - Bolletino della Società Paleonto-
logica Italiana, Spec. Vol., 1 , 420 pp.
Bassoullet, J.P., Bernier, P., Conrad, M.A., Deloffre, R.,
Jaffrezo, M. (1978): Les algues dasycladales du Jurassique
et du Crétacé. - Geobios, Mém. spec., 2 , 330 pp.
Chuvashov, B.I., Shuysky, V.P., Schaikin, I.M.(1987): Is-
kopaemye izvestkovye vodorosli. - Akademya Nauk
SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie, Trudy instituta geologii i
geofiziki Novosibirsk, Vypusk, 674 , 200 pp.
Flajs, G. (1977): Die Ultrastrukturen des Kalkalgenskelettes.
- Palaeontographica, B, 160 , 69-128, Stuttgart
Flügel, E. (ed., 1977): Fossil algae. Recent results and devel-
opments. - 375 pp., Berlin (Springer)
Ginsburg, R., Rezak, R., Wray, J.L. (1972): Geology of cal-
careous algae (Notes for a short course). - Sedimenta, I,
70 pp., Miami (Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory,
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science)
Höfling, R., Moussavian, E., Piller, W.E. (eds., 1993): Facial
development of algae-bearing carbonate sequences in the
Eastern Alps. - International Symposium and Field-Meet-
ing 'Alpine Algae '93', Guidebook, 206 pp., München-
Johnson, J.H. (1961): Limestone-building algae and algal
limestones. - 295 pp., 139 Pls., Golden (Colorado School
of Mines)
Maslov, V.N. (1956): Iskopaemye izvestkovye vodorosli
SSSR. - Akademya nauk SSSR, Trudy instituta geologi-
cheskikh Nauk, Vypusk, 297 pp.
Monty, Cl. (ed., 1981): Phanerozoic stromatolites. Case his-
tories. - 249 pp., Berlin (Springer)
Pentecost, A. (1991): Calcification processes in algae and
Cyanobacteria. - Riding, R. (ed.): Calcareous algae and
stromatolites. - 3-21, Berlin (Springer)
Pentecost, A., Riding, R. (eds., 1978): Biomineralization in
lower plants and animals. - The Systematic Association,
Spec. Vol., 30 , 400 pp., London
Pia, J. (1926): Pflanzen als Gesteinsbildner. - 355 pp., Berlin
Piller, W. (ed., 1994): Proceedings of the International Sym-
posium and Field-Meeting 'Alpine Algae '93'. - Beiträge
zur Paläontologie, 19 , 264 pp., Wien
Poignant, A.F., Deloffre, R. (eds., 1979): 2nd International
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