Geology Reference
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Fig. 9.2. Holocene stromatolites formed in an intertidal environment characterized by extreme salinity and limited water
circulation. Stromatolites grow slowly, less than 1 mm and as little as 0.04 mm/year. Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western
Australia. Courtesy of R. Höfling, Erlangen.
Stromatolites are not necessarily carbonate, but may
be siliceous (Walter et al. 1972), evaporitic (Friedman
and Krumbein 1985; Gerdes et al. 1985; Renaut 1993;
Gasiewicz and Peryt 1994; Rouchy and Monty 2000),
or phosphatic (Krajewski et al. 2000). Widespread silici-
clastic stromatolites occur on modern temperate tidal
flats (Cameron et al. 1985; Gerdes and Krumbein 1986;
Noffke 1998). Carbonate-siliciclastic stromatolites are
common (Martin et al. 1993; Bertrand-Sarfati 1994).
The laminated fabric of stromatolites is distinct,
crude or diffuse (Pl. 8/2, Pl. 50/2), depending on the
degree of continuous development of the fabric. Stro-
matolite formation is favored by a regular and even
supply of sorted sediment over time and space onto
surfaces colonized by an even layer of microbes.
(2) Skeletal stromatolites, are produced by biochemi-
cal calcification of in-place organisms (cyanobacteria
and algae) and characterized by the presence of tubular
microfossils. This type seems to be restricted to ma-
rine and marginal-marine Paleozoic and Mesozoic car-
bonates. Some recent lacustrine stromatolites resemble
skeletal stromatolites but mineralization is more im-
portant than biomineralization in these freshwater mi-
crobial carbonates.
(3) Freshwater tufa stromatolites are formed by en-
crustations of sheets of cyanobacteria and green algae
( Cladophora, Oocardium, Vaucheria; Arp 1995) asso-
ciated with bacteria.
(4) The term terrestrial stromatolites corresponds
to laminar calcretes formed by microbial activity
(Wright 1989; Riding 1991).
Subdivision of stromatolites
(1) Many stromatolites result from trapping/bind-
ing of particulate sediment. These agglutinated stro-
matolites exhibit two subtypes: (a) Fine-grained, well-
laminated stromatolites characterized by conspicuous
lamination, due to episodic sedimentation and trapping
of fine-grained sediment. Lamination may be smooth
(subaqueous) or crinkled with fenestrae (due to expo-
sure and desiccation on tidal flats or lake margins).
(b) Coarse-grained, crudely laminated stromatolites
characterized by irregular or inconspicuous lamination
and sand-sized sediment. Recent examples are the co-
lumnar stromatolites of Shark Bay (Fig. 9.2) and the
giant subtidal Bahamian stromatolites at Lee Stocking
Differentiating stromatolite structures
Various approaches have been used in classifying
and describing ancient stromatolites : (1) binary tax-
onomy, (2) geometric pattern (Logan et al. 1964; Fig.
9.3), and (3) morphometric analysis (Hofmann 1976).
The use of spatial power spectrum image analysis is an
effective means for the morphological study and com-
parison of stromatolites.
The Logan et al. classification was developed to de-
scribe growth forms of intertidal and shallow subtidal
stromatolites. These growth forms were believed to be
predominantly controlled by the degree of water tur-
bulence. Laminated mats are common in supratidal and
intertidal quiet-water environments, domal growth
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