Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
amples from the Jurassic Smackover Formation. - In:
Rezak,R., Lavoie, D.L. (eds.): Carbonate microfabrics. -
Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology, 265-277
Moore, C. (2001): Carbonate reservoirs. - 460 pp., Amsterdam
Roehl, P.O., Choquette, P.W. (eds., 1985): Carbonate petro-
leum reservoirs. - 622 pp., Berlin (Springer)
Schroeder, J. (1988): Spatial variations in the porosity devel-
opment of carbonate sediments and rocks. - Facies, 18 ,
Further reading : K034, K073 to K076
Wanless, H.R. (1979): Limestone response to stress: Pressure
solution and dolomitization. - J. Sed. Petrol., 49 , 437-462
Further reading : K046, K048, K100
Folk, R.L. (1965): Some aspects of recrystallization in an-
cient limestones. - In: Pray, L.C., Murray, R.C. (eds.): Do-
lomitization and limestone diagenesis. - Soc. Econ.
Paleont. Miner., Spec. Publ., 13 , 14-48
Friedman, G.M. (1965): Terminology of recrystallization tex-
tures and fabrics in sedimentary rocks. - J. Sed. Petrol.,
35 , 643-655
Further reading : K034, K035, K059
Carbonate cements
Bricker, O.P. (ed., 1973.): Carbonate cements. - John Hopkins
University Studies in Geology, 19 , 376 pp.
Harris, P.M., Kendall, C.G., Lerche, J. (1985): Carbonate ce-
mentation: a brief review. - In: Schneidermann, M., Har-
ris, P.M. (eds.): Carbonate cements. - Soc. Econ. Paleont.
Miner., Spec. Publ., 36 , 79-95
Koch, R., Zinkernagel, U. (1994): Zur Zementation in Kalk-
steinen. - Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil
I, 1994 , 1353-1398
Meyers, W.J. (1991): Calcite cement stratigraphy: an over-
view. - In: Barker, C.E. and Kopp, O.C. (eds.): Lumines-
cence microscopy and spectroscopy; qualitative and quan-
titative application. - Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner., Short
Course, 25 , 133-148
Sandberg, P. (1985): Aragonite cements and their occurrence
in ancient limestones. - In: Schneidermann, N., Harris, P.M.
(eds.): Carbonate cements. - Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner.,
Spec. Publ., 36 , 33-58
Schneidermann, N., Harris, P.M. (1985): Carbonate cements.
- Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner., Spec. Publ., 36 , 397 pp.
Further reading : K039-K041, K048
Dolomitization and dedolomitization
Allan, J.R., Wiggins, W.D. (1993): Dolomite reservoirs: Geo-
chemical techniques for evaluating origin and distribu-
tion. - Continuing Education Courses Notes, Amer. Ass.
Petrol. Geol., 36 , 167 pp.
Land, L.S. (1983): Dolomitization. - Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol.,
Continuing Education Courses Notes, 24 , 1-20
Machel, H.G, Mountjoy, E.W.(1986): Chemistry and envi-
ronments of dolomitization - a reappraisal. - Earth Sci-
ences Revolutions, 23 , 175-222
Purser, B., Tucker, M., Zenger, D. (eds., 1994): Dolomites. A
volume in honour of Dolomieu. - Spec. Publ. Int. Ass.
Sed., 21 , 451 pp., Oxford (Blackwell)
Randazzo, A.F., Zachos, N.G. (1983): Classification and de-
scription of dolomitic fabrics of rocks from Floran aqui-
fer, U.S.A. - Sedimentary Geology, 37 ,151-162
Sellwood, B.W., Scott, J., James, B., Evans, R., Marshall, J.
(1987): Regional significance of dedolomitization in Great
Oolite reservoir facies of S. England. - In: Brooks, J.,
Glennie, K. (eds.): Petroleum Geology of N.W. Europe. -
129-137, London (Graham and Trotman)
Shukla, C., Baker, D.V. (eds., 1988): Sedimentology and
geochemistry of dolostones. - Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner.,
Spec. Publ., 43 , 266 pp.
Sibley, D.F., Gregg, J.M. (1987): Classification of dolomitic
rock textures. - J. Sed. Petrol, 57 , 957-965
Warren, J. (2000): Dolomite: occurrence, evolution and eco-
nomically important associations. - Earth-Science Re-
views, 52 , 1-81
Zenger, D.H., Dunham, J.B., Ethington, R.L. (eds., 1980):
Concepts and models of dolomitization. - Soc. Econ.
Paleont. Miner., Spec. Publ., 28 , 320 pp.
Further reading : K060-K063
Diagenetic textures
Bathurst, R.G.C. (1987): Diagenetically enhanced bedding
in argillaceous platform limestones: stratified cementa-
tion and selective compaction. - Sedimentology, 34 , 749-
Chilingarian, G.V. (1989): Compactional diagenesis. - In:
Parker, A., Sellwood, B.W. (eds.): Sediment diagenesis,
Hutcheon, I.E. (ed., 1989): Burial diagenesis. Short Course
Handbook. - Mineralogical Association of Canada, 15 ,
499 pp.
Logan, B.W. (1984): Pressure responses (deformation) in car-
bonate sediments and rocks - analysis and application,
Canning Basin. - In: Purcell, P.G. (ed.): The Canning
Basin, W.A. - Proceedings of the Geological Society of
Western Australia/Petroleum Exploration Society of Aus-
tralia, 235-251, Perth
Logan, B.W., Semeniuk, V. (1976): Dynamic metamorphism;
process and products in Devonian carbonate rocks; Can-
ning basin, western Australia. - Geological Society of
Australia, Spec. Publ., 6 , 138 pp.
Ricken, W. (1987): The carbonate compaction law; a new
tool. - Sedimentology, 34 , 571-584
Shinn, E.A., Robbin, D.M., Claypool, G.E. (1984): Compac-
tion of modern sediments: implications for generations
and expulsion of hydrocarbons. - In: Palacas, J.G. (ed.):
Petroleum geochemistry and source rock potential of car-
bonate rocks. - Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol., Studies in Geol-
ogy, 18 , 197-203
Metamorphic carbonates and marbles
Burkhard, M. (1993): Calcite twins, their geometry, appear-
ance and significance as stress-strain indicators of tectonic
regime: a review. - Journal of Structural Geology, 15 , 315-
Herz, N., Waelkens, M. (eds., 1980): Classical marble:
geochemistry, technology, trade. - NATO Advanced Sci-
ence Institute Series, E, 153 , 482 pp.
Molli, G., Conti, P., Giorgetti,G., Meccheri, M., Oesterling,
N. (2000): Microfabric study on the deformational and
thermal history of the Alpi Apuane marbles (Carrara
marbles), Italy. - J. of Structural Geology, 22 , 1809-1825
Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T., Vollbrecht A.. Ullemeyer, K.
(1999): Marble as natural building stones: rock fabric,
physical and mechanical properties. - Zeitschrift der deut-
schen geologischen Gesellschaft, 150 , 237-257
Further reading : K034, K051 to K057
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