Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Box 7.8. Important references on mechanical and chemical compaction of carbonate rocks.
Overviews: Chilingarian 1989; Chilingarian and Wolf 1976; Coogan and Manus 1975; Hutcheon 1989; Choquette and
James 1989; Shinn et al. 1976; Wanless 1983; Wolf and Chilingarian 1976
Experimental compaction: Bhattacharyya and Friedman 1983; Deelman 1975; Ebhardt 1968; Fruth et al.1966; Golightly
and Hyde 1988; Molenaar and Venmans 1993; Neilson 1990; Pitman and Larese 1991; Robertson 1967; Shinn and
Robbin 1983; Shinn et al. 1980
Compaction models: Bayer 1978; Carrio-Schafhauser et al.1990; Ortoleva et al. 1993; Ricken 1987, 1992; Stefaniuk
and Mackowski 2000; Terzaghi 1940
Compaction studies: As-Saruri and Dietrich 1996; Bathurst 1987; Borre and Fabricius 1998; Chanda et al. 1977;
Kendall 2000; Klotz 1990; Lasemi et al. 1990; Myers 1980; Myers and Hill 1983; Pray 1960; Saller 1996; Scholz
1973; Shinn et al. 1983; Trurnit 1980; Wanless 1979; Westphal and Munnecke 1997
Compaction measurement: Coogan 1970; Coogan and Manus 1975; Kahn 1956; Masson 1951; Nicolaides and Wallace
1997; Taylor 1950
Decompaction: Doglioni and Goldhammer 1990; Gnoli 2002; Lang 1989; Martire and Clari 1994; Meder 1987; Mo-
naco et al. 1996; Perrier and Quiblier 1975; Steiger 1981; Wetzel and Aigner 1989
Stylolite studies : Bäuerle et al. 2000; Buxton and Sibley 1981; Friedel 1995; Friedman et al. 1981; Garrison and
Kennedy 1977; Gillett 1983; Huber 1987; Luczynski 2001; Nelson 1981; Railsback 1993a, 1993b, 1993c, 1993d;
Salameh and Zacher 1982; Steiger 1981
Stylolite models: DeBoer 1977; Deelman 1975; Merino et al. 1983; Park and Schot 1968; Weyl 1959
Compaction, stylolites and hydrocarbon reservoirs : Abu Dhabi National Research Foundation 1984; Amthor et al.
1988; Dunnington 1967; Hunt and Fitchen 1999; Leythhaeuser et al. 1995; Scholle 1977; Shinn et al. 1984; Smith
Classification and terminology: Logan 1984; Logan and Semeniuk 1976; Wardlaw 1979.
7.5.1 Mechanical Processes: Compaction
Limestone compaction is an enigma (Shinn et al. 1977)
Mechanical compaction is associated with dehydra-
tion, porosity reduction, and significant reduction of
sediment thickness which may be reduced to one quar-
ter of the original thickness.
The initial compaction is characterized by three
(1) Deposition of sedimentary grains, dehydration,
changes in packing density. Reduction of lime mud to
80-75% of the original porosity. (2) Compaction and
dehydration of carbonate mud. The porosity is reduced
to about 40%. Reorientation of grains. (3) Plastic de-
formation of grains. Micrite may be preserved in pro-
tected areas.
Processes during stages 1 and 2 can occur within a
burial depth of just one meter. Compaction of half of
the original thickness and a loss of 50-60% of the ini-
tial porosity often needs a burial depth of at least a hun-
dred meters.
Dewatering is the main process in the mechanical
compaction of muddy shelf carbonates and grain-sup-
ported sands, followed by pressure solution in deeper
burial environments. In contrast, porosity loss of pe-
lagic oozes is caused at burial depth in the upper tens
of meters by a mechanical rearrangement of grains fol-
lowed by grain crushing and pressure solution.
Fig. 7.16. Description of grain contact types according to
Taylor (1950). Important types are point contacts, tangential
contacts, concavo-convex contacts, and sutured contacts.
Point contacts indicate initial compaction, tangential contacts
increasing compaction, and sutured and concavo-convex con-
tacts point to effects of pressure solution at grain contacts.
Measurements taken along traverses assist in quantifying dif-
ferent grain contact types; the traverses should be vertical to
the sedimentary bedding.
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