Geology Reference
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Pore Filling
Processes ~ Time
Above water table,
Pores filled with
Solution zone (soil): Extensive solution; removal 10 3 - 10 5
between land surface
freshwater and/
of aragonite; formation of vugs.
and meteoric
or air
Precipitation zone (near surface): Minor cementation
phreatic zone
Solution zone (e.g. sinkholes, caves): Solution; 10 3 -10 5
Below water table,
Pores filled
may tend downwards
with freshwater
formation of molds and/or vugs. Active zone (upper part
up to
100s of meters
of meteoric phreatic environment): Dissolution of 10 6 - 10 7
aragonite and Mg-calcite; rapid and diverse cementation;
precipitation of calcite; creation of molds and vugs.
Stagnant zone (deeper part and in arid climates): Little
cementation; stabilization of aragonite and Mg-calcite
On the shallow or
Pores filled
Shallow-marine environment: Waters oversaturated with 10 1 - 10 4
deep sea floor or
with marine
respect to CaCO 3 ; rapid cementation by aragonite and
just below
Mg-calcite; diverse cement types. Deep-marine and
cold-water environments: Waters undersaturated with
respect to CaCO 3 ; strong dissolution of aragonite and
calcite at two dissolution levels
Shallow burial (first few meters fo tens of meters) and 10 6 -10 8
Subsurface beneath
Pores filled with
reach of surface-
brines of varying
deeper burial (sediment overburden of hundreds to
related processes,
salinity, from
thousands of meters): Physical compaction; chemical
down to realm of low-
brackish to
compaction (pressure solution); cementation; porosity
grade metamorphism.
highly saline
May tend downwards
1000s of meters
Fig. 7.2. Major diagenetic environments. A - Simplified scheme. Many of the studies dealing with the diagenesis of carbon-
ate rocks are environment-specific and concentrate on processes affecting particular hydrogeochemically defined diagenetic
environments. Carbonate diagenesis operates in the meteoric environment , the marine environment and the burial environ-
ment . In the meteoric environment pore space is occupied by freshwater and air ( meteoric vadose zone above water table;
hatched) or by freshwater ( meteoric phreatic zone ). The marine-vadose zone at the land-sea boundary and the mixing zone in
coastal areas and shallow near-coastal subsurface exhibits meteoric and marine criteria. In the marine phreatic environment
water is supersaturated with respect to CaCO 3 in shallow seas and undersaturated in cold and deep seas. The subsurface
burial environment comprises the subsurface beneath the reach of surface-related processes down to the realm of low-grade
metamorphism. Conventionally shallow burial and deep burial are differentiated. The term near-surface diagenesis refers to
processes at or close to the sea floor and in the meteoric environment within the reach of surface-related processes related to
depositional or weathering interfaces. Here, cementation is highly facies-specific. The terms eogenic, mesogenic and telege-
nic, introduced by Choquette and Pray (1970), refer to early near-surface, burial and uplift/unconformity-related processes
(Sect. 7.3.2).
B - Major processes occurring in different diagenetic environments. The time involved in diagenetic processes varies signifi-
cantly in different diagenetic zones. Early diagenetic solution/precipitation processes in meteoric vadose and shallow marine
phreatic environments need far less time than late diagenetic deeper burial diagenesis, which can last millions of years.
Similarly, unconformity-related meteoric phreatic processes may continue over very long time intervals. Early cementation
in intertidal and shallow subtidal environments occurs within a range of almost recent to several tens to a few thousand years.
Synsedimentary botryoidal cements on marginal slopes of platforms may grow over several tens of years, resulting in syn-
sedimentary stabilization of steep carbonate slope deposits at or above angles of repose (Grammer et al. 1993).
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