Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
// transmitter.c Transmits voice as a BPSK signal
#include "dsk6713_aic23.h"
//codec-DSK support file
#include <math.h>
#include "lp1500.cof" //1500 Hz coeff lowpass filter
Uint32 fs=DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_48KHZ; //set sampling rate
#define NUMSAMP 4 //# samples per Symbol
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 10 //size of Mod/Demod vector
#define NUM_BITS 8 //number of bits per sample
#define SYNC_INTERVAL 100 //interval between sync bits
short encSeqNum = 8; //number of encoded bits
short encSymbolVal = 0; //encoder symbol index
short sin_table[NUMSAMP]={0,1000,0,-1000}; //for carrier
short bits[8]; //holds encoded sample
short sampleBuffer[2000]; //to view sample
short sIndex = 0; //index sampleBuffer
short syncSequence[8]={1,1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1};//synchronization sequence
short outval=1;
//bit value to be encoded
short encodeVal = 0;
//filtered input value
int yn = 0;
//init filter's output
short gain=10;
//gain on output
short syncTimer = 0;
//tracks time between syncs
#define LEFT 0
//setup left/right channel
#define RIGHT 1
union {Uint32 uint; short channel[2];} AIC23_data;
interrupt void c_int11() //interrupt service routine
int i;
short sample_data;
sample_data = input_sample();
yn = fircircfunc(sample_data,h,N); //asm func passing to A4,B4,A6
if(encSymbolVal >= NUMSAMP)
//increment through waveform
encSymbolVal = 0;
if(encSeqNum == NUM_BITS)
//when all 8 bits sent
//get a new sample
encSeqNum = 0;
if(syncTimer++ >= SYNC_INTERVAL) //determine whether
//to send sync sequence
syncTimer = 0;
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
//put sync sequence in bit
bits[i] = syncSequence[i];
//get the bits
encodeVal = (short) (yn >> 15);
for(i=8; i<16; i++) //encode input sequence
bits[i-8]=(encodeVal&(1<<i)) ? 1 : -1; //shift
FIGURE 10.31. C program for BPSK transmission ( transmitter.c ).
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