Digital Signal Processing Reference
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// FFTsinetable.c FFT{sine}from table. Calls TI float-point FFT function
#include "dsk6713_aic23.h" //codec-DSK support file
Uint32 fs=DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ; //set sampling rate
#include <math.h>
#define N 32
//number of FFT points
#define FREQ 8
//select # of points/cycle
#define RADIX 2
//radix or base 2
#define DELTA (2*PI)/N
//argument for sine/cosine
#define TAB_PTS 32
//# of points in sine_table
#define PI 3.14159265358979
short i = 0;
short iTwid[N/2]; //index for twiddle constants
short iData[N]; //index for bitrev X
float Xmag[N]; //magnitude spectrum of x
typedef struct Complex_tag {float re,im;}Complex;
Complex W[N/RADIX]; //array for twiddle constants
Complex x[N]; //N complex data values
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(W,sizeof(Complex)) //align W
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(x,sizeof(Complex)) //align x
short sine_table[TAB_PTS] = {0,195,383,556,707,831,924,981,1000,
void main()
for( i = 0 ; i < N/RADIX ; i++ )
W[i].re = cos(DELTA*i);
//real component of W
W[i].im = sin(DELTA*i);
//neg imag component
//see cfftr2_dit
for( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
x[i].re=3*sine_table[FREQ*i % TAB_PTS]; //wrap when i=TAB_PTS
x[i].im = 0 ;
//zero imaginary part
digitrev_index(iTwid, N/RADIX, RADIX); //produces index for bitrev() W
bitrev(W, iTwid, N/RADIX);
//bit reverse W
cfftr2_dit(x, W, N ) ;
//TI floating-pt complex FFT
digitrev_index(iData, N, RADIX); //produces index for bitrev() X
bitrev(x, iData, N);
//freq scrambled->bit-reverse X
for(i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
Xmag[i] = sqrt(x[i].re*x[i].re+x[i].im*x[i].im ); //magnitude of X
comm_poll( ) ;
//init DSK,codec,McBSP
while (1)
//infinite loop
output_sample(32000) ;
//negative spike as reference
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
output_sample((short)Xmag[i]); //output magnitude samples
FIGURE 6.15. FFT program of input data from a table using TI's optimized complex FFT
function ( FFTsinetable.c ).
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